Project 8: Preproduction
For your final assignment in CSE 458 you will be starting your capstone story and preparing for your film production in Winter Quarter.
The assignment is divided into two parts.
Part One
The first part requires that you delve deeply into your story and evaluate the armature, 7 steps, beatsheet, and storyreel you will be given.
Each person in the class will be assigned one sequence to review. The assignments are as such:
Lucia: Sequence 3
- Ying: Sequence 1
- Esmeralda: Boarding beatsheet changes
- Brianna: Sequence 2
- Bing: Sequence 7
- Francis: Sequence 6
- Jenna: Sequence 5
- Stanley: Sequence 4
- Marisa: Sequence 3
- Kristine: Sequence 7
- Mi: Sequence 4
- Vincent: Sequence 2
- Alexa: Sequence 1
- Riley: Sequence 5
- Elizabeth: Sequence 3
- Sindre: Sequence 7
- Andrew: Sequence 5
- Ian: Sequence 2
- Eric: Sequence 6
- Lac: Sequence 7
- Sarah: Sequence 4
- Vivyan: Sequence 1
- Cherry: Sequence 2
Each review will consist of a thorough evaluation of all the story components listed above and a
specific set of suggestions for one sequence. You will not be changing the armature, seven steps, or set, but you will:
- Improve on your assigned sequence by referencing the beatsheet you have been provided. Use that beatsheet as the default story for your film (the storyreel is not the most complete version). It should include shot numbers.
- Propose changes to the storyreel by using your improved beatsheet as reference and drawing thumbnails. They should also include shot numbers that are consistent with your beatsheet.
- Create a list of model assets.
- Gather support reference images and video for character motion, lighting, and visual effects.
- For those interested, please submit reference images, video, and drawings for your suggestions to improve our character design.
You have roughly one week to prepare your changes.
The purpose of the review is for you to try to improve what you are given. Anything not listed here is up for grabs. However, you can only submit changes for your assigned sequence.
Improvements can include:
Shorter more concise actions to illustrate the story
Alternate camera angles
Look and feel for anything
Actions that would help elicit an emotional response
Suggestions for facial expressions
Pacing suggestions
More specific suggestions for anything including timing, lighting, efx, geographic location, and props that could help tell the story
You will be pitching your proposed changes in class on Tuesday, 12/2. Additionally, submit your files into the CSE 458 Catalyst turn-in before class on the same day you pitch. There is a check list in the Deadlines section at the bottom for what you need to submit.
Supplemental materials to get you started are posted below:
You need to log in with your UWNetID for both the storyreel and initial story information:
Initial Story Information
Story Reel from 11/25
Laughing Matters - Physical comedy
Dick Van Dyke Show (any episode) - for acting, prop design, period set, and character design
Mad Men - for interior set reference
Part Two
In the second part you will be given the revised storyreel based on the staff's review of the proposed changes and incorporation of those that improve your story.
You will create a full 3D animatic from the story components you receive (armature 7 steps, beatsheet, storyreel). You will be working in groups to accomplish this task.
Some of you will be making props and sets and some will be using the block models provided to set up camera layout for your shots and others will be placing the characters in each
shot and creating very simple motion.
Your goal will be to rough in your story and prepare for the start of the capstone next quarter. You will have roughly two weeks for this step.
You will not be creating refinements for your story but instead a rough blocked in but clear story to start from.
Here is a document detailing your assignments for 12/4, Thursday.
And here are some updated story materials:
You need to log in with your UWNetID for both the storyreel and initial story information:
Updated Story Information from 12/2
Examples from previous productions:
Your work for each part is due by 10:30 AM each day listed below:
- Tuesday, 12/2 - Part One
- Beat sheet - As text file
- Elements list - As text file
- Thumbnails - As image
- Support reference - Images, video, and/or links
- Character design suggestions (optional)
- Thursday, 12/4 - Part Two: First pass on the animatic (just assets)
- Monday, 12/8 (Finals day) - Part Two: Second pass on the animatic (shots)
- Friday, 12/12- Part Two: Final pass on the animatic