Project 6: Effects

Goal Learn the basics of various types of effects.

The overarching goal of this portion of Project 6 is to briefly introduce you to four types of effects: Particles, Soft Body Simulation with nCloth, Rigid Body Simulation with Bullet, and Liquid Simulation with Bifrost. We also will have a simple introduction to Deformers, an extremely simple rigging system that can allow you to make very basic objects animate-able. Each part is fairly simple and consists mostly of following instructions. After you have gone through all of the parts, you will not be a master of these systems, but you will have a general idea what each is capable of.

Then, after doing each tutorial, you will be required to pick one of the more complicated systems and expand upon your work by making something interesting/improved/anything that pushes the bounds of what the system can do or is technically or artistically intriguing. Choose one of the systems you've tried out and explore a new feature or a unique implementation of the system. Whichever area you choose you must meet the minimum requirements outlined in the "Advanced Topics" section below. Feel free to research and discover new features to try! Whatever you do, define a render camera and render out at least 5 seconds (5*24=120 frames), using simple materials and lighting if necessary. If you need more frames that's fine, but be sure not to go overboard as rendering can take a long time.

Advanced Topics

Minimum Reqs:

  1. An implementation using the capabilities of the cloth system not described in the tutorial

Minimum Reqs:

  1. At least three different types of rigid body objects interacting with each other (ex: A ball, dominoes, pendulum)
  2. One of those objects should: Be a soft body OR a hinge OR shatter

Useful links: Info on making soft bodies in Bullet, Info on making hinges in Bullet, Info on shattering objects in Bullet

Minimum Reqs:

  1. An implementation of the fluid different than the tutorial you were given

Minimum Reqs:

  1. Try out at least one of the other deformers (ex: Vortex, Twist)
  2. Nest at least three of the Deformers

Other Options:

Turn In You will be graded on the following: Turn in the following: