Use the Save Iteration button in the Production shelf that you will install shortly. This create an additional directory in the same folder containing the Maya scene file.
Turn off Incremental Save by going to File -> Save Scene Options and unchecking Incremental save. Hit Save and Close. This will reduce clutter as one iteration per file is enough.
When working on one part of the pipeline, do not freely edit other parts of the pipeline! This is very important as it can seriously break referencing structures and make people lose work. Betraying this will only serve to hurt you and the production.
Production conventions are laws, not guidelines. Breaking them can result in serious complications. This cannot be stressed enough!
Install Production shelves:
Simply navigate to the following directory O:\unix\projects\instr\production1\cse458_au12_turn_in\project_7
Double click on, maya_script_path.bat, and python_path.bat individually.
Next time you open Maya you should see a Production and Tractor shelf
Create production directories
In your turnin fold you will create a hierarchy of directories very similar to what will be used in production. The directory structure looks like this:
turn_in with your name
[prop names]
[directories created from rendering]
shot_100.aep (After Effects project) (final rendered/composited video)
Prepare set for referencing
Select scene_cove in the Outliner.
Got to Assets -> Create Asset with Transform (Options).
Under Include these inputs make sure All Inputs is checked.
Also check Include Shading Network and then hit Apply and Close
This creates an asset parent node in which anything related to the cove object is encapsulated beneath the asset node. This asset node lets us delegate the types of controls available for this object. Thus, when referencing the object in a shot file, many attributes and controls that are not needed down the pipeline are hidden a way. This means that the object can only be used in only defined ways to avoid changes that could break referencing structures. By default, an Asset will always let you Translate, Rotate, and Scale the encapsulated object. However, there will be times when you need to delegate more controls. This is done by Publishing selected attributes.
In the Outliner, expand the created asset and select scene_cove.
In the Channel Box, under Inputs of the scene_cove look for the Visibility attribute.
Select and then Ctrl + Right click on the word Visibility and choose Publish Asset. You will see it be added to the section above Inputs. You have now created an additional attribute that can be used with this asset.
At the moment, you could still easily make undesired changes to this Asset. We are going to Black Box this asset to protect the scene so that only the default attributes and the additional Published attribute can be modified.
First will make it so the geometry cannot be edited. To do this select scene_cove under the asset in the Outliner and select all its vertices. In the Channel Box, expand CVs. Shift click the first vertex (labeled 0) and scroll down and shift select the last vertex. With all of them selected, Right Click -> Lock Selected. If you need to go back and edit the geometry simply repeat this process but choose Unlock Selected instead.
Select the asset and open the Attribute Editor. It should be called scene_cove_AST.
Expand Asset Attributes and check Black Box. In the Outliner, you will no longer be able to view its children and you should only see the Transformation and Visibility attributes.
If you need to change the scene_cove, simply go the attributes for the asset and uncheck Black Box. Be sure to check it again once done making changes.
Since this is our set, it should be never be transformed in a shot file so select Translate, Rotate, and Scale and right click to Lock and Hide Selected.
We also wont need to have the Visibility keyed so right click the attribute and choose Make Selected Nonkeyable. This will allow you to hide the set if it gets in the way of your camera.
When referencing set pieces and other files into your shot file, it can be tempting to change a shader. It may seem harmless, but this essentially stops the reference from updating when the original file gets update causing you to have to re-referencing the asset, which could break any motion already done on the object.
Make sure is in models/set/scene_cove/.
Create props and prepare for referencing
If your animation requires a custom prop, follow these steps. If you are using the ball rig place it under rigs/props/ball_rig/ Do not follow the steps bellow if you are using the ball rig, but please read the steps as these steps will be used in production.
Create the prop and its textures and shaders. Be sure to create it at the origin of the scene file. If your prop consists of multiple meshes, combine them; or if that's not applicable, group them. There should only be one top level node in the Outliner besides the default objects. The pivot point for that top level node should be the origin of the scene file. Make sure that the top level node is named after the prop and save the file as a Maya Ascii(.ma) with same prop name as the top level node in the Outliner. Make sure this file is the folder models/props/[propname]/.
Freeze transformations on your top level node.
Lock all the vertices as done in the previous step.
Once done, select the top level node and create an Asset. The defaults should be fine, but you can Publish any attributes that you may need. Black Box the Asset.
Additionally, if you need texture files for your shaders; create a folder with the name of the prop in the textures directory. Save your images that your shaders will reference in this spot for the desired prop. Your prop file should only reference PNG images. You may, however, have a PSD file in here so you can edit the textures. Just always save out a PNG for Maya to use. The PSD and PNG file for the same texture should have the same name minus the different file extension. Naming conventions for texturers to use: [propname]_[texturedescriptor].png and is put under textures/[propname]/.
In Maya, shaders should be named as such: [propname]_[descriptor]_shader. Descriptors should be used only if your prop requires multiple shaders. So for a single shader applied to prop named ball, its shader name would be ball_shader. However, if you had a hammer prop with a shader for its head and one for its handle, the shader for the handle would be hammer_handle_shader.
Name texture nodes as such: [shadername minus the _shader postfix]_[attribute]_[nodetype]. For example, if you had a texture affecting the color attribute of the shader for the hammer handle, name the file node hammer_handle_color_file.
Make sure to put in rigs/characters/mouse/. For this assignment, you shouldn't need to do anything within this scene file. You will reference in your shot files.
Create motion file
Open a new Maya scene and save it as under shots/shot_100/motion/
Go to File -> Create Reference (Options). Go to Edit -> Reset Settings and hit Reference.
Navigate to and open it and you should see it your scene. Do the same for and the props your are using.
If you need to have the same object, DO NOT COPY/PASTE and DO NOT DUPLICATE. Instead, reference the same file twice.
If the joints for the rig are showing up, you can go to Show in the menu bar for the viewport and uncheck Joints.
Don't attempt to edit shaders, change geometry, modify set layout. Only animate the characters and keyable props. Don't key any part of the set!
Expand and follow the animation tutorial directly below:
A note before you begin: you will have several files in the motion directory. You will have the motion shot you just created and this will eventually hold your final animation. Additionally, you will have a file that has just your blocked out poses and a playblast for it. So once done with blocking, save a separate file in the motion folder. Then polish and save that as a separate file with its own playblast. However, do your work in shot_100_motion.