This is a mini-tutorial on how to set up a turntable playblast for the posing portion of the assignment. A turntable playblast is basically a 360 degree rotation of your pose so we can get a sense of where the weight is at every angle.
1) As with the bouncing ball, you will need to set up your scene for animation. Set the frame rate to 30 fps and the in/out tangents to linear. (Note that in the ball assignment you will be setting the tangents to clamped/stepped instead of linear/linear).
Your turntable playblast will need to be about five seconds long. Set the values at the right side of the time slider to 150 (30fps * 5seconds).
2) Now we need to make the Rotate Y value of the blue guy's top con keyable so we can animate it. Select the top con, right click hold in the channel box and go to Editors->Channel Control. In the third list "Nonkeyable Displayed", select Rotate Y and move it left twice - so it ends up in the first list "Keyable". (DISCLAIMER: normally we do not want to mess with animating the top con, but for this particular application it's fine)
3) Select the blue guy top con. Go to the first frame and hit "s" to set a keyframe. Then set a keyframe at frame 150, this time changing the Rotate Y value to 360. Now the blue guy should rotate around correctly.
4) Use the perspective camera to give us a good side view of the pose. Make sure all the anim curves and heads up display information in the view is hidden. You can hide the heads up display information by going to Display->Heads Up Display and unchecking everything in the list. You can hide the anim curves by setting the blue guy's top con "Rig_vis" attribute to off. Now go to Window > Playblast > OptionBox. Change the option for Viewer to 'Movieplayer', change the Display size to "Custom" and enter 640 and 480 for the two values. Change the scale to "1.00", and check "Save to File" and name it appropriately.
The playblast should look something like this.