Testing Your Rig
- Do you have every joint? Nothing is missing?
- Are the joints placed well? The finger joints should be in the middle of the fingers, the arms and legs should be centered. Try to place joints near edge loops.
- Are the local axes oriented in a logical direction? The positive y should be pointing how it was described in the tutorial.
- Are the bones that should be straight, straight? The finger chain should be straight. The joint chain between the shoulder and the wrist should be bent at the elbow.
- Are the joints parented correctly? Clavicle to the first neck joint? Fingers to the palm?
- Are all of the joints named correctly? Using the naming scheme in the tutorial?
- Is the skeleton still able to reach it's neutral pose?
- Are all of the set driven keys connected properly? The finger controls are set up in the correct order? The neck and toe controls are set up correctly?
- Are all of the controls an appropriate size? Are they placed correctly around the body parts they should control?
- Are the correct attributes hidden and locked for each control? The spine can just rotate? Nothing can scale but the top con?
- The controls are named properly?
- Are the controls grouped properly?
- Are the reference materials hidden (the reverse foot should be hidden, all IK Handles should be hidden)?
- Are all of the transformations for the controls 0? rotations 0?
Weight Painting :
- Is the skin bound to the model correctly? No ending joints contained in the bind? Every joint that needs to be bound is bound.
- The seems are smooth on the joints. Shoulder and ankle have a wide range of motion without creasing. Hips are another kind of tricky area.