Project #8b: Group Project
- Assigned: Tuesday, Nov 28 2006
- Shaded objects due: Tuesday, Dec 5 @ 11:59 PM
- Group composition review: Thursday, Dec 7
- Final due date: Thursday, Dec 14 @ 11:59 PM
What to do:
- There are two parts to of Project #8b;
- For part one, you will shade and texture the objects that you modeled. Try to use the shading of the objects to capture all of the elements that are not present in the model itself (text, bumpy surfaces, etc) and stay true to the look of the physical object.
- For the second part you will work with your group and use your objects to create a scene that illustrates a short story or event. For example, a previous class illustrated a story about a ninja turtle that was talking on a cell phone in a movie theatre so he was thrown out by the other objects watching the movie who were annoyed with him. You will tell this story with the careful composition or placement of the objects; please remember to pose your objects to create more dramatic compositions. This will help your audience enjoy a more active view of the story.
- Each group's story will be told in three images which will comprise most of the turn in for Part 2 of the assignment. Make sure to meet with your groups early and discuss your objects and how to arrange/organize/display them to make the most compelling story possible. You may want to write out main points of the story structure (seven steps) and draw simple storyboards to organize the design of the finished rendered frames. Also, you will need to construct a "set" within which the story takes place, and you will need to light your set and objects. The scale of the objects does not matter at this point, so you can place the objects on whatever scale best meets your needs. Once your model layout and set is complete, consult other classmates, friends, TA's, etc to make sure the story you are trying to communicate is clear and understandable.
- Individual Shading
- Place all file references on preproduction and make sure to use absolute paths (i.e. no projects relative paths or mapped network drives)
- Turn in an 800x600 or larger image as well as the Maya files for each object into the "04_Revised" folder.
- Group composition
- Include all modeled objects in your scene, even if they are not main elements
- Before bringing your objects into a single scene, you will want to delete history and group each object individually under one node. This will make it much easier to work with your scenes and get them set up the way you wish.
- Turn in one Maya file for each image of your story. Make sure there is a camera file for this scene. Do not use "perspective1"
- Make sure to light your scene and to use the lighting to emphasize your objects
- Include a short text description of your story. The story should be readable from the images, so do not rely on this as a means of explaining the story. However we will read the text to see how closely you came to realizing your idea.
- Each of the three images should be 800x600 or larger.
Tips & Suggestions:
- Start early and show your composition/work to individuals outside your group for advice on clarity. Make sure that there is enough activity - that at least one of your images represents a dramatic event. Good luck!!!!