Project #8a: Modelling Objects for Group Project
- Assigned: Thursday, Nov 16 2006
- BRIEF object review: Tuesday, Nov 21
- Maya model review: Tuesday, Nov 28
- Due: Thursday, Nov 30 11:59 PM
- The purpose of this assignment will be to create models which will populate a particular room. These models will be used in your final group. Each group member will create and hand in two models.
What to do:
- For this part of the assignment each person will work with their group to find three objects each.
(If your group has three members you will have a total of 9 objects, 4 members will have a total of 12 objects).
Discuss with your other group members what objects you would like to model and incorporate into your scene.
In a future part of this project you will be working with your group to compose your models in a room,
so the more interesting you make them now, the more fun the future projects will be. The room can be anywhere.
For example, students in a previous class recreated objects from an Egyptian tomb. Each person will be responsible
for modeling two of the three objects through all phases of modeling. (If your group has three members you will
have a total of 6 completed models, 4 members will have a total of 8 completed models). The first model can be
something simple, like a glass, or lamp. The second, however, should be considerably more involved, e.g. toys,
flowers, food, fountains, clothing, etc. Look for objects in your dorm room or apartment and the homes of your
parents, friends, or anyone else who lets you borrow stuff. Each person must bring the actual objects for which
you will be modeling on Tuesday 21st 2006. Please find a real object - photographs are strongly discouraged.
What we're looking for:
- The important thing to remember when working on your model is that we will be much more concerned with quality than complexity. Here are some tips to remember when designing your models:
- Too much detail is as bad as too little -- remember that more detail can be added later with texture mapping.
- Try not to use too much geometry (or too many CV's).
- The model should have no cracks or seams.
- Your models should not be too regular (noise and asymmetry are good).
- The group's related models should be properly scaled to each other.
- Be creative! Don't just make plates and wine glasses.
Technical Requirements:
- Your scene should be uncluttered and easy to read. An easy way to help with this is to take your finished geometry, and export it as a selection (this assumes your curves and lights are not in the same hierarchy as your geometry):
- Use a 1 Maya Unit = 1 cm scale
- Delete any extra cameras and lights
- Delete any unnecessary geometry such as construction curves or histories.
- Group the entire object under a single node.
- Name your object something sensible, and also name any major components. (For example, the front wheel of a bike should be called "frontwheel", not "torus#31")
- Render your images using the light cove
- Initial model review will be an in class critiqued on Tues, Nov 28th. You will be required to turn in the Maya files and images rendered in the light cove (800 x 600 or greater resolution).
Tips & Suggestions:
- Be sure to start early so you can bring your questions and problems to the help sessions.
- Name your components as soon as you create them. It'll be much easier than changing them all later. Name your objects something simple. The idea is that the names should be easy to type. When you have a complex model and need to pick one little part, it is MUCH easier to pick it by name than with the mouse.
- Take the time to learn keyboard shortcuts (especially for transforming the camera), the marking menus, and how to customize your workspace.