Project #7: Basic Motion 2: Walk Cycles / Lipsync
- Assigned: Tuesday, Nov 14 2006
- REVISED DUE DATE: Wednesday, Nov 22 @ 11:59 PM
Reference Materials: (Don't forget this!)
Optional Text:
Part 1: Stationary walk cycle
- Download the Adam character.
- Complete the following tutorial using Adam.
- Turn in 3 playblasts: one from the side camera, one from the front camera, and one from a clear perpective camera.
Part 2: Non-stationary walk cycle with acting
- Using PackageMan, animate a 3-cycle (about 90-100 frames) walk cycle that moves forward in space and incorporates some acting from the character. FOR EXTRA CREDIT YOU CAN USE THE RIGGED CHARACTER FROM LAST WEEK.
- Turn in your reference, planning sheet, thumbnails, and 2 playblasts: one from the side camera and one from the front camera.
Part 3: Lip Sync
- A lipsync using Earl
- You get to decide where to place the emphasis in the sentence and how best to convey what Earl means when he talks to us.
- DON'T FORGET **** For the lip sync assignment, you'll need a hand held cosmetic mirror at your workstation in order to get reference from your very own face :-)
What we're looking for:
- For Part 1, simply go through the Adam walk tutorial. This is intended to be primarily a technical exercise with the emphasis on presenting the proper action. Use yourself as reference for this exercise.
- For Part 2, be sure to complete a planning sheet, thumbnail drawings, and capture some sort of reference before you start animating. The reference can come from you or anyone else, but we need to see it, and it needs to be a live action clip. Plan to spend the majority of your time on this part of assignment, as you'll be completing 3 cycles of a walk which moves forward in space (non-stationary) and which incorporates acting.
Helpful Hint:
To change PackageMan's arms from FK to IK, select the 'PM' at his feet. In the channel Box, change IKFKSwitch from 'off' to 'on' (type 'on' or '1'). This will make a controller next to his hands become visible. Select the switch and change the 'FK_IK' to 10.