Project #3: Shading & UV Texturing
- Assigned: Tuesday, Oct 17 2006
- Due: Monday, Oct 23 @ 11:59 PM
Reference text and tutorials:
- Multilister/Hypershade
- Create, Edit, Assign, Duplicate shaders
- NURBS Tessellation
- Attribute Editor, Attribute Spread Sheet
- Surface Normals
- Display, editing
- Shader attributes, mapping
- UV/Solid procedural mapping
- Edit Polygons texture tools
- Poly UV texture editor
- Photoshop and texture editing
- 3Dpaint
- Paint effects
- Rendering IPR/globals
Part 1: Shade and render NURBS and poly primitives
- (15% of overall project#3 grade)
What to do:
- Compose a scene consisting of NURBS primitives (Sphere, Cube, Cone, Torus, Plane, Cylinder) General Reference: Getting Started with Maya 7.0 Review Chapter 9 Lessons 1 & 2
- Apply a checkerboard shader to all NURBS primitives (Color map)
- Apply a metal shader to all NURBS primitives (Color, bump, specular, reflection maps)
- Apply a glass shader to all NURBS primitives (Transparency, reflection maps, Ray trace)
- Compose a scene consisting of poly primitives (Sphere, Cube, Cone, Torus, Plane, Cylinder) General Reference: Getting Started with Maya 7.0 Review Chapter 8 Lesson 1
- Apply a checkerboard shader to all poly primitives (Color map)
- Apply an animal skin shader to all poly primitives (Color, bump, specular)
- Find an interesting texture for reference and recreate it with a procedural shader and apply a shader of your choice to all poly primitives (Color? Bump? Specular? Transparency? Etc...)
- Images for reflection maps:
- Render each scene as an 800x600 jpeg
- Please turn in all six Maya .ma or .mb files, as well as high quality 800x600 jpgs for each to the turn-in folder.
- Be sure to name your files: "lastname_firstname_projectname".mb or .ma, "lastname_firstname_projectname".jpg
Part 2: Shade and render scene
- (35% of overall project#3 grade)
- scene_clear_maya.mb - Download the starter files here. (Unzip with folders and work within this project structure)
What to do:
- Glass - Phong
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or mp_ref_cafe.jpg
- Wine - Phong, alter color channel
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or mp_ref_cafe.jpg
- Wall - Lambert, repeat texture as needed
- Color map - normal - mp_clr_wall1.jpg
- Apple skin - Blinn
- Color map - normal - ramp alter colors
- Bump map - solid fractal minimize the bump
- Specular map - solid fractal alter colors
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or mp_ref_cafe.jpg
- Pear skin - Blinn
- 1. Color map - normal - ramp alter colors
- Bump map - solid fractal minimize the bump
- Specular map - solid fractal alter colors
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or mp_ref_cafe.jpg
- Stems - Lambert
- Bump map - solid fractal alter colors
- Specular map - solid fractal
- Wood block - Blinn, position the texture icons as needed
- Color map - as projection - mp_clr_wood.jpg
- Bump map - as projection - mp_clr_wood.jpg
- Specular map - as projection - mp_clr_wood.jpg
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or mp_ref_cafe.jpg
- Bottle - Phong, refer to example Maya file and render
- All maps will need to be in the same positions on the bottle
- Color map - normal - mp_clr_label.jpg - adjust Color Balance->Default Color in this texture to something light (grey)
- Specular map - normal - mp_spec_btl.jpg - adjust Color Balance->Default Color in this texture to something light (grey)
- Transparency map - normal - mp_trans_btl.jpg - adjust Color Balance->Default Color in this texture to something dark (black)
- Reflectivity-can use the same texture as the specular.
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or ref_cafe.jpg
- Counter - Blinn, repeat the texture map as needed
- Color map - normal - mp_clr_tile.jpg
- Bump map - normal - mp_bump_tile.jpg
- Specular map - normal - mp_spec_tile.jpg
- Reflection map - env sphere - mp_ref.jpg or ref_cafe.jpg
- Render a high quality 800x600 jpeg
What to Turn-in:
- Please turn in your Maya .ma or .mb files.
- High quality 800x600 jpg to the turn-in folder.
Part 3: Shading with UV Texturing
- (50% of overall project #3 grade)
- For this assignment you will be texturing a model of a dragon by unwrapping its UVs and creating textures in Photoshop. Zhi has written a tutorial to help you, which can be found here.
What to do:
- Download DragonWhelp.mb.
- UV unwrap the DragonWhelp skin (claws, horns, and eyes are not required).
- Using Photoshop, create an image file for the color channel and apply it to the model.
- Extra credit: Also create bump and specular maps and apply them to the model.
- Before rendering, either convert to SubDs or smooth the Polygons to a subdivision level of 2.
- In the layer editor, turn off visibility on the "Simplelights" layer and turn on visibility on "LightCoveLayer". Now you're ready to do your final renders with the light cove (this takes longer.)
What to Turn-in:
- Maya file
- Color, bump & specular map image files
- Renders: total of four 800x600 rendered jpegs from the LightcoveCamera, Closeup1, Closeup2, and Closeup3 cameras
- Please put them in a folder, labeled with your name, in the turn-in folder
- You can follow Zhi's tutorial found here
- Try your best to make the texture seamless across areas that you split in the unwrapped UVs, but don't worry too much about them. It will be very difficult without other 3D applications to make it seamless around areas such as the base of the wings and upper arms.
- The LightcoveCamera can be moved by scrubbing the time slider.
General Tips
- When referencing an image that you have in a particular shader, always:
- Place the image file in your network folder NOT anywhere on your local machine.
- Use ABSOLUTE PATHS. So instead of X:\cse458_au05\your_folder\blah.tif it will be \\preproduction\student_data\cse458_au05\your_folder\blah.tif