The grade for CSE458 will be determined as follows:
- 25% collaboration
and class participation.
- 75% individual
production, broken down as follows:
- 10%
project 1A, 1B - boat model
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 10%
project 2 - head/hand models
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 10%
project 3 - Shading Primitives, Still Life, Dragon.
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 10%
project 4- lighting
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic/composition, creativity
- 10%
project 5 – Basic Motion1 Bouncing ball, motion path.
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic, creativity, realism
- 10%
project 6 – Basic IK/rigging/Poses
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic, creativity, realism
- 10%
project 7 - motion Basic Motion2 Walk/Run
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic, creativity, realism
- 25%
final project 8A, 8B, 8C - Group composition
- criterion:
technical, aesthetic/composition, creativity, realism, group participation
- 5%
Critique Analysis/Attendance
Late Work Policy:
It is assumed that your work will be on
time. Incomplete work will be turned in
on time so that it can be evaluated with everyone else.
Under some rare and extenuating circumstances,
the staff may decide to grade revised projects.
Under these circumstances, we will follow the following procedure:
There will be a 0.5 deduction every day the
project is late. After three days, it
will up to the staff to decide whether or not the project will be graded.
The breakdown is subject to change as a whole and adjustable on a
per-student basis in exceptional cases.
- CSE458
University of Washington, Seattle - 2006