Please turn in all six Maya .ma or .mb files for part 1 and one
.ma or .mb for part 2, as well as seven high qualty 800x600 jpgs to the
turn-in folder. (please put them in a folder labeled with your name)
Be sure to name your files: "lastname_firstname_projectname".mb
or .ma, "lastname_firstname_projectname".jpg
Assignment Details:
Part 1: Shade and render NURBS and poly primitives
Compose a scene consisting of NURBS primitives (Sphere, Cube,
Cone, Torus, Plane, Cylinder)
Apply a checkerboard shader to all NURBS primitives (Color
Apply a metal shader to all NURBS primitives (Color, bump,
specular, reflection maps)
Apply a glass shader to all NURBS primitives (Transparency,
reflection maps, Ray trace)
Compose a scene consisting of poly primitives (Sphere, Cube,
Cone, Torus, Plane, Cylinder)
Apply a checkerboard shader to all poly primitives (Color map)
Apply an animal skin shader to all poly primitives (Color,
bump, specular)
Find an interesting texture for reference and recreate it
with a procedural shader and apply a shader of your choice to all poly
primitives (Color? Bump? Specular? Transparency? Etc...)