Please turn in your Maya .ma or .mb file for your completed hand and head, as well as a high quality 800x600 jpg to the location designated by the TAs.
Be sure to name your files: "lastname_firstname_projectname".mb or .ma, "lastname_firstname_projectname".jpg
Assignment Details:
What to do:
Model a human head and hand using poly/subdivision modeling tools.
For the hand, you may use the model you created from the reading/tutorial assignment as a basis for your final model.
For the head, please refer to the tutorial as a guide.
Consult the anatomy handouts and other books for help with the structure of hands and heads. It is important to use the muscle and bone structures as a guide in order to maintain a clean mesh (even if you are not attempting a photo-realistic representation of a hand and head). You will be graded on the cleanliness of your mesh!
If your finished models are still polys, please convert them to subdivision surfaces for turn-in.
Be sure to start early so you can bring your questions and problems to office hours.