Grading Policy
The grade for CSE458 will be determined as follows:
- 50% collaboration
- 50% individual production, broken down as follows:
- 5% project 1 - boat model
- criterion: technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 10% project 2 - head/hand models
- criterion: technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 10% project 3 - shading 1
- criterion: technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 5% project 4 - modeling objects for group project
- criterion: technical, aesthetic, creativity, realism
- 10% project 5 - shading 2
- criterion: technical, aesthetic, creativity
- 10% project 6 - group composition
- criterion: technical, aesthetic/composition, creativity, realism, group participation
- 10% project 7 - lighting
- criterion: technical, aesthetic/composition, creativity
- 10% project 8 - motion
- criterion: technical, aesthetic, creativity, realism
- 25% final project - mousetrap
- criterion: creativity, story, motion, lighting, shading, modeling
- 5% attendance