

As time goes on...

the tools of animation will get faster, smarter, and more refined.

Already, the tools have gotten to the point where it seems anything that the mind can conceive, the animator can put to the screen. Some of the more recent developments in the field of animation are as follows:

Motion Capture Technology
This is the process of using actual motion to determine the motion of objects in a computer environment. Sensors are placed on a subject and motion data is collected, then translated into the computer and applied to a 3-Dimensional object. The result is extremely realistic motion obtained in a matter of seconds that would be extremely difficult and time-consuming to create by traditional means.

This is the process of combining computer-generated imagery with live-action footage shot on film or video. Some examples of films that made this technique famous are Jurassic Park, Terminator 2, and Starship Troopers. As a result, a majority of movies released today have some sort of computer-aided imagery, even if you do not notice it. Prior to compositing technology, films had to be either live-action or animated. Today, the integration of these two techniques makes for exciting new possibilites for both the animator and the director.

Today there are many different animation packages available on the computer, ranging from traditional animation programs to complex 3-D animation packages. State-of-the-art animation is no longer reserved for big budget companies. Anyone with a PC, a little software, and a lot of play time can learn to animate.

The constantly improving technology provides some exciting possibilities for animators, but you must appraoch it carefully. Remember that what makes an animation great is not the tools, but what you do with them. There are a lot of people animating out there who have no idea what it means to be a great animater, just as there are plenty of people who paint that you would not consider great painters. Some take the technology and create images, fascinated with what the tools can do. Others take their dreams and see what they can do with the tools.

No matter how advanced the tools may get, the best animation will come from those who dream.