Spring 1999 Trace Artifacts

Please rank these artifacts submitted for the Spring 1999 Trace project (10=highest, 1=lowest). The highest-ranking artifacts will be awarded some extra credit (to be determined).

You must enter your UW student number at the bottom of the form, and only votes from CSE 457 students and staff will be counted. If you vote more than once, only your last set of votes will be counted.

Aafreen Siddiqui

Procedural texturing has been applied to the shpere.
Aaron Nonis
The Company Strikes Back

I took our Dilbert model from Project2 and embedded him within a cubicle wall similar to Han Solo's fate in "The Empire Strikes Back."
Wierd looking bell, Aaron Belcher

This artifact shows of the depth of field abilities of my ray tracer.
Alex DeJarnatt -- "Reflection"

Yay stock models! I used adaptive super-sampling to anti-alias this image and surface texture mapping to tile the floor.
Bruno Banceu - cornerball

This is a simple ball with a high specular reflectivity, sitting in the corner of some mirror-like planes.
This image is titled "Psychedelic ball"
Name: 	Adam Czeisler
Name of Artifact: Narnia

I wanted to give a feeling of traveling beyond the door to Narnia
in C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".  It has
an ice forest feeling, and also the colors remind me of the style
of illustrations used for the covers of the books.  It is kind
of scary...

A second image by Adam is here, with text description here.
David Carlton
The Magical Moon Egg

Once a millennia, an egg is produced whose powers supercede all
would-be challengers to the throne. Endowed from birth with multimodal
paradigm shifting abilities, it works smarter, not harder.  It knows
where you sleep.

Here we see the twelfth incarnation of the Magical Moon Egg basking in
the envy of its two siblings, Mort and Bubba (Mort is the ugly one).
As we all know, the golden child gets the worm, with number twelve
being no exception.  Trouble is sure to brew once he shares his dreams
of fascist glory fed off the empty shells of those withering souls not
worthy of serving in hard-boiled form.  You know and I know that they
know that we don't really know that they know anything at all, so
let's just keep this a secret.  Justify.
"Fibonacci Spheres" Eric Dettinger

The two center spheres with the point lights inside them have radii of 1. 
Every other sphere's radius is the sum of the radii of the two spheres counnterclockwise
within the spiral.
2001 by elm

This ray file is made up of two single spheres.  Both are reflective
so that they are reflecting off each other.  What makes the image
complete is the fact that we are INSIDE of both balls looking out.  A
procedural tecture map is applied to the inner ball to create the
multiple colors.
Tony Faizal : Matrix.jpg

This artifact is a combination of two example ray files: reflection and test2.
I added another square to make it more "metrix-like". Also, I changed the material
properties to make all object more reflective.

Texture-mapping and background are added.
Frank Snow

Blue Shiny World
(an ideal place for a red-green colorblind guy)

Name: 	Kalon Jelen
Name of Artifact: A little of everything

This artifact was made somewhat quickly (Star Wars took up some time
recently) and thus was made from previous .ray files. It showcases all
of the bells and whistles that we implemented, to one extent or
another - procedural texture mapping, spotlights, antialiasing, glossy
reflections and soft shadowing. Hence, the name. 
Howard Sun
Calvin jumping with joy
A model I exported from my modeling project. He is leaping with joy, and would feel even happier if you voted for him.
By: Hang Quan
Title: Wine Bottle

There was suppose to be more to this ray trace, but alas, I ran out of time.
This is just a simple wine bottle w/ a tipped over wine glass.  I used transparency
and reflection in this model.  
The Empire Strikes Back!!!  Luke Dukie and Hons boy are no
match for the destructive ATAT which takes out their shields
on the planet Hoth!  designed by Hakim Weatherspoon.  
Aaron Jacobs, jacobs_raypic.jpg

I added a dark templar in the back of a mirrored room with a couple of spheres thrown in.
Name:  John H. LaMont
EMail: jhlamont@cs
Title:  Space Needle

One space needle between two big squished reflecting spheres, causing multiple reflections, and a wall in the background. 
Jon Burns - jkburns
"I Want To Be In the Light"

Named after one of my favorite songs - I didn't have time to use depth of field or antialiasing,
but I still think it looks pretty cool.  I saw Star Wars today at 7am: it was very good - I avoided
all critics reviews and I think that helped, cause I loved it!  As far as my image goes, I altered
the hitchcock image basically...Not too difficult a concept.  This project was cool.  burnsey
This is an imaginary image of the beginning of nuclear fusion.

Title: fusion
by   : Ken Wong
Kristy Walker
CSE 457--Artifact 3


I used the hitchcock.ray scene from our trace\Examples diretory.  My ray tracer
allows the user to set the color of the lights in the scene, so I changed
the scene lights to green to achieve the final image.
By: Lon Tierney
Lisa Boucher
cse 457
Artifact 3

This is the test1 file from the examples, and I have one of our bells, changing the light color, to give it a different look.
By: David Churchill
  Beautiful antialiased example of test 1.  Enjoy the great shadows and
highlights of the translucent cube.  The reflections are smooth, and the
rendering time for this image was over an hour.  

Margaret Reitz
Mike Hollinshead
CSE 457 
Project 3 Turn in
Nathan Sheller
Ryan McDonough

This image is a collection of spheres placed in front of two
reflective surfaces (squares).  The shininess of the surfaces is
fairly high and the balls are mostly not shiny.  The large oval in the
picture is a sphere with high emissive, specular, and transmissive
values.  The camera is tilted at a 45 degree to create the final image.
What you're seeing is a clear crystal ball on top of marble
stands, with semitransparent, colored spheres orbiting it.
The stand and spheres are in a room with mirrors as walls. 

I apologize for the jaggies in the picture.  We did have 
anti-aliasing implemented, but it was taking *way* too long 
to render, and I have better things to do with my time (like
go see Star Wars :-)  So just imagine all the lines as being
perfectly smooth.  

Welcome to Ryan Wellman's MLS (My Little Scene).  I can't really say too much
about it since there really isn't that much to it.  It does however show off
most of the enhancements we made (including, Torii, CSG and touch more).

Ryan Wong: Spheres

I used antialiasing, and glossy reflection to create this image.
I used 2 colored reflectant squares as the background, 3 point
lights and a directional light, and the rest is 7 spheres on a box.
Note that the 2 reflectant squares in the background act like mirrors.
The 2 "mirrors" are not perfectly aligned and I get a reflection back
and forth through facing mirrors.
title: krystalKrystal
creator: Scott Stroupe
details: Several joined cubes refracted through two larger transparent cubes.
         light sources are several points, incorporating negative color channel values.
         Jaggies were eliminated with stochastic super-sampling.
notes: the JPEG, unfortunately, came out a little blurry.
Steve Kauffman

This image is made up of only two parallel mirrors, 
white directional light, a blue and a green point 
light, and one cylinder.  The camera is between the 
two mirrors.  The interesting image occurred mostly by
chance as I was moving the camera around trying to get
a good view.

Adaptive anti-aliasing is in effect here.
Shaida Tahsili - Reflection with the ghost of a soldier.

This is the reflection.ray file with a toy soldier added to it.
Trevor Olson

This is a ray traced version of the model I made for project 2.
Ward Scotland

This is Ward's box. It has reflective sides and contains two objects; a sphere 
and a solid cube. The lighting is turned down to prevent overloading the scene 
with images. My group implimented only the basic functionality so that is what
is demonstrated.
Tora Torus!
BY: Patricia Wedum
CSE457 Spring 1999

This was a fun project!
The Rift:

This picture reminds me of the Abyss.  
It uses 2 reflective surfaces on the right and left, two non-reflective ones on the top and bottom.
The numerous spheres are actually only two spheres reflected several times (off of each other and the walls).
The main sphere is reflective and transmissive. 

The recursion depth is only 3, I tried with higher depths and it just didn't look good... too bad.

Yunfei Xie - Hitchcock scene 
This is the hitchcock scene with depth of field added. Basically, the boxes and the sphere
farthest from us is in focus and the ones close to the camera is blurry.
Zheng Fan -- "beyond"

This image is rendered by using ray tracer with the depth of field effect.
The camera is focused on the first blue ball, the image become fuzzier at 
a greater depth.   

The image itself is created by placing two spheres and one box in between 
two mirrors.  In reality we should see an infinite extended image, in this
case however, due to the constrain of recursion depth, there are only finite
number of reflections. 

For this image, although the distance between actual object and camera is 
fixed, depth of field effect has worked  because rays that contribute to the 
image looks further to us is bouncing more times in between two mirror
(thus longer distance)  than those that looks closer. 

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