Introduction to Computer Graphics
1999 Spring Quarter

Animator - Help Session Notes

Getting familiar

The animator project is basically an extended version of the modeler project you worked on for project 2. There are a few new extensions that are worth paying attention to:

Monotonic Curves

The handout specifies that time needs to be monotonically increasing, therefore your curves should never move in the negative x-direction. After you get them working, you will notice that some of the curves will actually create loops or move backwards for a short period of time when points are placed too close together. You will need to find a way to ensure that this never happens.

Known Bugs

(5/19) - There is a known bug in the animator, which is that if you switch back from Curve Mode to Control Mode, the controls get put in the dialog box in a random order. This shouldn't be too much of a concern, so don't panic if you encounter it.