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Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Logistics
  3. Staffs and Office Hours
    1. Getting Help
    2. Prerequisites
  4. Grading
    1. Participation
    2. Extra credit
    3. Turn-in and Late Policy
  5. Resources


The class covers the following topics: Displays, Image processing, Affine transformations, Hierarchical modeling, Projections, Shading, Ray tracing, Texture mapping, Curves, Particle systems, Surfaces, and Animation.


The class meets twice a week TTh 8:30am — 9:50am CSE2 G10.

Staffs and Office Hours

NameEmailOffice Hours
Zoran Popoviczoran@csW 10:30-11:30am (Allen Center CSE590)
Yueqian Zhangyueqianz@csW 3:30-5:30pm (Zoom, see Canvas)
Ludvig Liljenbergludvil@csT 11:30-12:30pm (Gates Center 121)
T 6:00-7:00pm (Zoom, see Canvas)
Gantcho Dimitrovgantcho@csW 9:00-10:00am (Allen 2nd Floor Breakout)
F 9:00-10:00am (Allen 2nd Floor Breakout)
Ash Lutyaluty02@csM 10:00-11:00am (Zoom, see Canvas)
Th 2:30-3:30pm (Gates Center 121)

Getting Help

  • Use the class discussion board. Chances are other people will have the same questions you do.
  • For help on projects or written homeworks, talk to the TAs or the instructor during their office hours.


  • Data structures at the level of CSE 332
  • Linear algebra (Math 308 recommended)
  • Some mathematical sophistication
  • No prior knowledge of graphics is assumed.


The breakdown is subject to change as a whole and adjustments on a per-student basis in exceptional cases. This is the general breakdown we’ll be using:


Projects and homeworks will be done individually. There is a final, but no midterm.


Course participation will account for 5% of the final grade. Students will be awarded one participation point for lectures they are actively present. Being actively present means engaging in the live class in some form. For example, ask a question in class that leads clarification of the topics covered, or answer a question posed by the instructor – there will be numerous opportunities during each lecture. After lecture, ask a TA to note your name down if you participated during lecture, in order for us to record your point.

Students will also be awarded one participation point for responding to a question on Edstem discussion board in a way that is helpful to the student who asked the question. Please make sure to never completely give away the answer to a graded problem.

A full participation grade will be given to students with at least 5 partitipation points (e.g. a total of 3 points is equal to 60% of the final participation grade).

Extra credit

Some projects have opportunities for unlimited extra credit. Each extra credit item is rated with a nominal value of “bells” and “whistles”. One bell carries the same credit as two whistles. An actual implementation of an extra credit item may be worth somewhat more or less than its nominal value, depending on how well it was implemented. In the end, the instructor and TA’s will translate your bell and whistle count into an actual number of extra credit points at a rate of 1 point per bell (and, 1/2 point per whistle).

Turn-in and Late Policy

Written homework assignments and projects are due at 11:00pm on the specified due date. Late assignments are marked down at a rate of 25% per day (not per lecture), meaning that if you fail to turn in an assignment on time it is worth 75% for the first 24 hours after the deadline, 50% for the next 24 hours, 25% for the next 24 hours, and then it is worth nothing after that. Exceptions will be given only in extreme circumstances with prior instructor approval.
