Creating Your Artifact

*a step by step guide to creating your final media file*
  1. Export your animation (will create a sequence of consecutively numbered frames)

  2. From here on out we'll be using Adobe Premiere (Pro 2.0). The help site may be useful.

  3. Create a new project in Premiere. Select the "Custom Settings" tab (as opposed to the "Load Preset" tab). Select "General" from the list on the left and give your project a name. There are a few things you want to be sure of:

  4. Import your sequence

  5. Import any audio.

  6. Make any adjustments necessary.

  7. Preview

  8. If satisfied with the preview, export.

  9. Make sure you check your artifact before submitting it! It should work (audio and video) decently in Windows Media Player and Quicktime.