The Graphics Instructional Lab
The graphics instructional lab is located in Sieg Hall room 327.
Most of the computers are Windows XP workstations, donated by Intel. In
addition, there are two machines on the East side of the lab equipped
with CD-RW drives and digital camera memory card readers. Applications
are built using Visual C++, the FLTK UI toolkit, and OpenGL.
Rules For Sieg 327
- The machines in Sieg 327 are primarily for the use of cse457, cse455,
and cse557 students working on assignments for those courses.
If you are not a graphics student, or not working on the course,
you may use the machines in Sieg 327, but must give up
your machine if someone needs it for the course.
- If for some reason, you get hung, mail
support@cs. They will take care
of this for you.
- The lab has copies of course reference material, including textbooks
OpenGL reference texts. These may not leave the lab, and please return
them to the bookshelf when you are done using them.
In addition to the above rules, the Lab Community Committee has created a set of guidelines about general lab use. The main points are:
- Be aware of yourself and your space. Remember that your behaviour affects others.
- The labs are an academic community of which you and your fellow students are citizens.
- We are each responsible for our community's working environment.
- Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Please read
the complete Lab Usage Guidelines.