Ninja Butterflies from Space Ninja Butterflies from Space is a rendering showing off most of the really slick features implemented by Jack and Zinnia trace. It consists of two butterflies converging on a glass sphere which hovers just above a body of rippling water. The butterflies are reflected in a mirror that hovers just in the background. In the distance galaxies swirl off into infinity. Cool things you should take note of: 1.Wow don't those really look like butterflies! Their texture was sampled from actual butterfly wings. The butterfly body and wings are composed of scaled spheres. 2.Check out those suave antenna. Don't you wish you had a pair. The antenna were created using hundreds of small cylinders and if you really closely were to examine the butterfly you would notice that the tips of the antennas are toped off with cones. 3.The ripple! The ripple is a bump map applied to a large box. Notice how period of the ripple is highest closest to the center and how it increases as you move out. Also note how the waves' amplitude decreases as you move outward. 4.The background picture is taken from a Hubble image. Notice how the large galaxy is reflected in the sphere! 5.Nice anti-aliasing eh? 6.The image was rendered at a resolution of 1280x1024 with a depth of 10 and took aproximately 1.5 hours to render on a 2.0 Ghz AMD.