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 CSE 457 Au 04 - Project turnin
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Project Turnin Procedures

You do not need to submit a detailed description of everything you did for the project. You do need to submit:

  1. Binary, a copy of which should sit right in:
  2. Source code, in a subdirectory of the turnin directory.
  3. Optionally, extra files needed by the binary, again right in the <project-name>/turnin directory.
  4. You need to include a README.txt file that lists anything "out of the ordinary" that you did for your project.  You don't need to list requirements or standard bells and whistles.  You do need to describe anything that lies outside of the range of options on the project web page and which you think merits consideration for extra credit. Also, if you did your development under Linux, please note that as well.

The grading will consist of a staff member running your project right out of the turnin directory and stepping through the features. We will consult source code as needed.

Remote submission from Windows: mounting gfilesrv1

You can mount:


using, e.g., Start...Run..., and supply your username as "CSEPCLAB\<username>". 

If this doesn't work, then you may need to update your windows configuration:

If it still doesn't work, then your ISP may be blocking certain Windows ports.

Remote submission from Windows: remote desktop

  1. Put your files where you can get to them from a campus machine. (E.g., put them on a linux server or on the web.)
  2. Run remote desktop to:  You should be able to find remote desktop under Start...Programs...Acessories...Communications...
  3. Mount the directory in #1.
  4. Download your files into your turnin directory.

Remote submission from linux

In case you end up needing to move your files from home to a dept. linux machine, and from there to the turn-in directories, you can use smbclient as follows:

  1. cd into directory where your files are on the linux server
  2. Run smbclient and cd into the impressionist directory on the windows server:
    smbclient '\\gfilesrv1\courses' -W csepclab
    cd cse457-04sp/impressionist
  3. cd into your particular turn-in directory on the windows server
  4. You can now put files into the turn-in directory in the usual ftp style, e.g., using the "mput" command.  To copy all files, use "mput *".  If you want to copy subdirectories, you may need to type "recurse" before running mget.  If you don't want to be prompted, you may need to type "prompt" before running mget.

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