An Interactive Web-Based Ray Tracing Visualization Tool
Jake A. Russell
submitted June 10, 1999
to the
Department of Computer Science, University of Washington
Undergraduate Honors Program Senior Thesis Requirement
Copyright 1999 Jake A. Russell. All rights reserved.
Faculty Supervisor signature:
Brian Curless
Undergraduate Faculty Advisor signature:
Gaetano Borriello
Table of Contents
1. Introduction *
2. Related Work *
3. Recursive Raycasting or Raytracing *
4. Design and Implementation *
4.1 Overview *
4.2 Input Scene Format and RayTrace Program *
4.3 RayConfigReceiver Interface and GetRayConfig Applet *
4.4 SeeRendered Applet *
4.5 SeeRay Applet *
5. Conclusion and Future Work *
References *
4.1.1 RayTracing Visualization Tools Flow Chart
4.4.1 SeeRay and SeeRendered Applets
4.5.1 The SeeRay Applet upon loading a scene
4.5.2 SeeRay applet tracing a ray through a sample scene illustrating various rays
4.5.3 Point lights in SeeRay modeled as emissive spheres
4.2.1 Input Scene Format Description
4.3.1 GetRayConfig Applet Initialization Parameters
4.4.1 SeeRendered Applet Initialization Parameters
4.5.1 SeeRay User Input Effects
4.5.2 SeeRay Applet Initialization Parameters
Ray tracing is a simple yet powerful rendering technique for creating realistic images of complex scenes. Due to the simplicity and popularity of the technique, it is typically part of collegiate-level computer graphics course curricula.
However, education of a technique as three-dimensionally oriented as ray tracing is impeded by the typical two-dimensional medium of communication used in the classroom because the surface of a whiteboard or overhead projector in many instances cannot do justice in fully illustrating a three-dimensional concept. Raycasting and ray tracing are particularly suited to a three-dimensional visualization due to the important relationship of rays with scene object geometry.
The solution was to create a computer visualization that in real time can provide various views of the rays and the scene objects projected onto a computer screen. Because the number of courses incorporating multimedia devices in the classroom are increasing and courses are generally shifting more to a web-based or web-supported format, designing the computer visualization as a set of Applets is potentially the best medium for interactive educational aids. Java Applets allow educators as much flexibility as possible in easily incorporating the educational aids into their courses.
All Applets described in this paper are available for free and public download from the Ray Tracing Visualization Tools Website (
Two direct beneficiaries of this project will be the University of Washington introductory and advanced courses in computer graphics, CSE457 and CSE557, respectively.
Raytracing visualization programs have been created in the past for SGI machines, such as Ben Garlick’s Flyray [GARLICK89]. Flyray traces an input scene in real time and as the rays are being shot through the scene, the scene and rays appear in the scene visualization to be viewed from a navigable viewpoint. This is a very useful visualization. However, we make two important improvements on it.
First, our ray tracing visualization engine is able to function with pre-rendered scene image files. We provide the tool that reads the input file and outputs the raytraced scene either on-screen as an Applet window or to be saved on-file as an executable Java Class. By running the ray tracing tool as an Applet in an HTML page, the image will render on-the-fly onto the web page containing the scene visualization, giving the same functionality as Flyray. But by running the ray tracing tool as a Java Program, various rendered image files can be generated and saved, to be recalled by the Applet or HTML page instantaneously as needed. We provide an Applet that will load various rendered images of different ray tracing engine parameters during run time provided there is a library of pre-rendered images made available. The benefit is that subtle differences in ray tracing engine parameters can have their rendered images compared back-to-back with the ray tracing visualization engine, possibly active in the same HTML page, with rendering engine parameters updated accordingly.
The second tangible improvement our ray tracing visualization engine employs is the advantage of a platform-independent running environment. Recently, there has been an explosion in the number of Java Applet-based educational aids such as those used in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s curriculum for Computer Graphics Course 6.831 [TELLER98]. Other numerous examples can be found in Brown University Computer Graphics Group’s Exploratory educational applet archival website. Beall, Doppelt, and Hughes describe the development of one example in their work [BEALL96]. By designing our tools as Java Applets, we ensure that a broad variety of platforms and operating systems will be able to run them.
It should also be noted that our Java ray tracing engine is derived from Leonard McMillan’s RayTrace skeleton code [MCMILLAN98].
3. Recursive Raycasting or Raytracing
The ray tracing engine used in our visualization tools can be set to demonstrate the nonrecursive raycasting algorithm [APPEL68] or the more involved recursive algorithm of ray tracing where reflection and refraction are modeled [WHITTED80]. In either case it simulates shadows and uses a shading model incorporating surface shininess developed by Bui-Thoung Phong [PHONG75].
The ray tracing engine incorporates shadow detection through the use of shadow rays, originally discussed in one of the first papers written on ray tracing [APPEL68]. For each light source a shadow ray is fired from each point of intersection to the light position and, if any scene object geometry intersects the shadow ray, then light from that source will be partially or completely occluded.
The engine also employs the recursive ray-spawning techniques developed by Turner Whitted [WHITTED80] resulting in the generation of reflected rays and refracted rays as required, depending on how surface material properties at the point of intersection are defined. The ray emanating from the center of projection is thus called the primary ray, while recursively spawned rays are secondary rays. Reflective, mirror-like surfaces can be modeled as well as transparent surfaces for any arbitrary index of refraction.
The equation used for finding the light intensity, given a primary or secondary ray with origin p and direction r, is given by:
The components consisting of the Ray Tracing Visualization Tools and one suggestion for wiring them together are illustrated in Figure 4.1.1.
(see word or acrobat .pdf version of this document for the figure)
Figure 4.1.1
Ray Tracing Visualization Tools Flow Chart. Red arrows signify inter-applet communications that occur during runtime via the RayConfigReceiver interface. RayTrace Application pre-processing indicated by broken lines.All Applets are designed to run under the Java 2 Runtime Environment. Currently this is supported by Sun for Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer via the Java Plug-in. SeeRay furthermore requires that the Java3D 1.1 extension be installed into the runtime environment. Java3D was chosen for its suitability for implementation on a variety of platforms as well as its compatibility with a variety of 3D APIs, such as OpenGL and Direct3D (See author's installation notes for up-to-date instructions regarding installation of the Java Plug-in as well a Java 3D at: A rendering library implementing 3D hardware acceleration should be used whenever possible to maximize scene rendering performance. Java 2 and Java3D are currently supported on the Windows and Solaris platforms, with a future version for the SGI IRIX platform to most likely be released in the near future.
The input scene is a text file specified to the Applets via relative URL. The scene file is parsed as a sequence of phrases specified in Table 4.2.1.
Input Format |
Description |
eye float_x float_y float_z |
Location designating center of projection, given as x, y, and z coordinates. If unspecified, the default center of projection is at the coordinate 0, 0, 10. |
lookat float_x float_y float_z |
Specifies the coordinate that will be in the center of the rendered view. Default setting is 0, 0, 0. |
up float_x float_y float_z |
Vector describing which direction should be upward for (1) the rendered field of view and (2) the initial orientation of the visualization view. Default setting is 0, 1, 0. |
fov float |
Given an angle in the range of (0 .. 180), specifies the width of the projection plane with respect to the center of projection. |
light float_red float_green float_blue (ambient, directional float_x float_y float_z, point float_x float_y float_z) |
Designates a light of specified color components red, green, and blue. Lights must be additionally designated as one of three varieties: ambient light, directional light, or point light. Further specification is required for directional lights by a vector defined by x, y, and z that indicates the light’s direction and for point lights by x, y, and z coordinates indicating the light’s position in the scene. For simplicity, no point light intensity falloff will be used during shading; thus, in an empty scene, all space receives equal intensity values from a light source. |
surface float_red float_green float_blue float_ka float_kd float_ks float_ns float_kr float_kt float index |
Any objects following the phrase will take on the material properties specified until another surface phrase overrides. Surface properties specified are color components given as red, green, and blue values (each of range [0 .. 1]); lighting modifier coefficients [0 .. 1] for the ambient, diffuse, and specular coefficients; weights of secondary rays [0 .. 1] for reflected and refracted rays; and ratio of index of refraction of object material to that of the immediately surrounding environment. If an object is declared before a surface phrase is, the default surface phrase .8 .2 .9 .2 .4 .4 10 0 0 1 will be assumed. |
triangle float_x1 float_y1 float_z1 float_x2 float_y2 float_z2 float_x3 float_y3 float_z3 |
A triangle is specified in the scene at the three vertices, each specified with x, y, and z coordinates. One side of the triangle is "inside," and the other is "out" for purposes of calculating refraction effects. However, neither front nor back faces will be removed, or culled. |
sphere float_x float_y float_z float_radius |
Creates a sphere in the scene at centerpoint specified as x, y, and z coordinates followed by a final radius designator of range (0 .. ¥ ). |
background float_red float_green float_blue |
Assigns red, green, and blue values to the environment color. Evaluation of the environment is denoted by dotted rays in the visualization. |
# […] |
Comments designator. All characters in the rest of the line will be ignored. |
Table 4.2.1
Input Scene Format DescriptionGeneration of pre-rendered images can be done using the supplied RayTrace utility, when run as a Java Program. The RayTrace utility is derived from Leonard McMillan’s RayTrace skeleton code [MCMILLAN98]. It takes minweight, maxdepth, and datafile input parameters and renders an appropriate ray traced image to a window. Clicking the mouse in the window after the scene is rendered results in the rendered image to be saved as an uncompressed, appropriately named JPEG. Although RayTrace may be run as an Applet, it would then not be able to save output image files due to Java Applet security restrictions.
4.3 RayConfigReceiver Interface and GetRayConfig Applet
GetRayConfig is provided with the Applets with full source code to show an example of how the RayConfigReceiver interface can be used to provide a means of runtime communication with SeeRay and SeeRendered. The following methods are defined by the RayConfigReceiver interface:
GetRayConfig consists of a slider and a drop-down menu allowing the user to vary ray termination criteria of SeeRendered or SeeRay during runtime. It accepts Applet input parameters according to table 4.3.1.
Default |
minweight |
float in (0..1) |
0 |
Changes the default setting of the adaptive ray termination coefficient. Defining this variable has the side effect of loading the appropriate |
maxdepth |
int in [0..20] |
4 |
Changes the default setting of the max recursive ray depth. Defining this variable has the side effect of loading the appropriate pre-rendered image upon Applet initialization. |
Table 4.3.1
GetRayConfig Applet Initialization Parameters
The SeeRendered Applet displays a pre-rendered image always appropriate for the current rendering engine configuration. By accepting and communicating the rendering engine configuration to SeeRay, provided it exists in the same environment, communications will automatically propagate, i.e., both Applets will remain in sync with a single communication to SeeRendered.
SeeRendered also accepts runtime input as mouse movement over the rendered image, which is communicated to SeeRay in order to render a pointer on the visualization scene’s image plane at the appropriate location. If the left mouse button is clicked, a primary ray will be fired through that location (see Figure 4.2.1).
Figure 4.4.1
SeeRay (on left) and SeeRendered (on right) Applets. As mouse is clicked on SeeRendered, SeeRay fires a new primary Ray through the pointer. Pointer appears as a yellow dot in SeeRay on the texture-mapped rendered image. Secondary Rays are repeatedly reflected and refracted by objects in the scene.SeeRendered accepts Applet initialization parameters as given in Table 4.4.1.
Default |
minweight |
float in (0..1) |
0 |
Changes the default setting of the adaptive ray termination coefficient. Defining this variable has the side effect of loading the appropriate pre-rendered image upon Applet initialization. |
maxdepth |
int in [0..20] |
4 |
Changes the default setting of the max recursive ray depth. |
datafile (required) |
string |
N/A |
Relative URL to the scene input file and associated pre-rendered images. |
Table 4.4.1
SeeRendered Applet Initialization Parameters
The SeeRay Applet is the main ray tracing visualization component. Its purpose is to render a three-dimensional scene visualization including the generation of primary and secondary rays from an arbitrary viewpoint. Via inter-applet communication, SeeRay accepts commands during runtime to (a) vary the ray tracing engine’s ray termination settings, and (b) indicate where a new pointer should be positioned or a new primary ray should be fired. These commands are issued to SeeRay in accordance with the RayConfigReceiver interface, described in detail in Section 4.3.
Upon applet startup, the visualization viewpoint is set at a location behind the scene’s center of projection and pointing in a direction toward the origin, as in Figure 4.5.1. The roll angle of the visualization viewpoint is set by default in accordance with the up vector defined in the scene input file.
Figure 4.5.1
The SeeRay Applet upon loading a scene. Note that the dot representing the center of projection in the center is also the tip of the viewing frustum, with the pre-rendered image texture mapped at its base as a partially transparent square. The starting viewpoint is set behind the center of projection and is aimed at the origin of the scene.SeeRay also accepts direct user input as a means to allow navigation in the scene in a manner that treats the scene as a giant object to be examined. User input and corresponding effects are described in Table 4.5.1
Mouse Input |
Corresponding Effect |
Left Button Drag |
Trackball-Rotates the scene visualization about the origin such that horizontal mouse movement adjusts the yaw angle of the scene and vertical movement adjusts pitch angle. |
Center Button Drag |
Zooms the visualization viewpoint towards or away from the scene origin as the pointer is moved vertically. |
Right Button Drag |
Rolls the scene about the center of the current viewpoint. Adjustments to rotation angle will mimic adjustments to the pointer angle, both with respect to the center of the screen. |
Table 4.5.1
SeeRay User Input EffectsSeeRay models rays as lines, with special cases denoted by differing colors and stroke patterns. As illustrated in Figure 4.5.2, frustum rays and lines bordering the projection plane are illustrated in yellow, while primary and secondary rays are illustrated in white. Also shown are directional light shadow rays (dashed and representing the color of the corresponding light) and environment rays as dotted lines. Figure 4.5.3 illustrates point lights and point light shadow rays which lead from the point of intersection to the light source, appearing as a dash-dot sequence. Only lights that are not completely occluded for the point of intersection will have shadow rays leading to them.
Figure 4.5.2
SeeRay applet tracing a ray through a sample scene illustrating various rays. Center of projection, in upper-right corner, appears as a yellow dot at the tip of the viewing frustum, also in yellow. Pre-rendered image is texture-mapped at upper right. The primary ray, in white, emanates from the center of projection to the intersection point with the refractive sphere. Secondary refraction rays also appear as white solid lines, while the environment ray reflected by the checkerboard pattern appears dotted. Directional light shadow rays are dashed lines shooting up out of the scene, colored by the corresponding light value (bright white in this illustration).
Figure 4.5.3
Point lights in SeeRay modeled as emissive spheres. Notice that at the point of intersection of the primary ray with the plane at the bottom, point light shadow rays (dot-dashed lines) run to the unoccluded grey and blue lights, but not to the red point light in the upper left corner. The lack of shadow ray to the red point light is due to the total occlusion of light caused by the object in the center of the scene.SeeRay accepts applet initialization parameters as given in Table 4.5.2.
Default |
pointlightsize |
float in (0..¥ ) |
.2 |
Modifies the size of the emissive spheres in visualization that represent point lights. |
projplanetrans |
float in [0..1] |
.1 |
Transparency value of the texture-mapped image plane. |
scenetrans |
float in [0..1] |
0 |
Adjusts the overall transparency level of the scene visualization. Useful if opaque objects must be able to be viewed through. |
planedist |
float in (0..¥ ) |
2 |
Adjusts the position of the texture mapped image plane from the center of projection. |
datafile (required) |
string |
N/A |
Relative URL to the scene input file and associated pre-rendered images. |
Table 4.5.2
SeeRay Applet Initialization Parameters
5. Conclusion and Future Work
The possibilities of future interactive educational aid development to enhance the education of computer graphics concepts are exciting. Although our ray tracing visualization software is a nice start, there are a few specific modifications worth mentioning that could prove worthwhile.
One extension would be to modify SeeRay so it can send inter-applet communications. Additional Applets could then be created to offer information during runtime about which objects in the scene are currently under the mouse in SeeRay, or the Applets might organize the rays currently displayed by SeeRay into a tree-view format. It would then be possible to analyze an individual point of intersection or ray appearing in the visualization with an additional query to the Applet.
We would also like to extend the functionality offered by SeeRay itself. SeeRay currently offers no visualization of spatial optimization techniques, a potentially useful feature. It would be a welcome extension to the Applet for a three dimensional representation of bounding spheres, axis-aligned bounding boxes, and K-D trees to be implemented. Volumes or regions in space where intersection points lie, or through which rays pierce, might be denoted in the visualization through colored transparent objects. Potentially, performance data such as number of object intersections evaluated could be outputted, allowing the user to explore how well optimization techniques work for various scenarios.
The current version of the Applets also use of a proprietary scene input format. It would be a nice feature to include a Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) parser to make the Applets suitable to a wider variety of sample scenes. Creation of a translation utility to convert VRML to the proprietary input scene format would alternatively accomplish the same.
Appel, A., "Some Techniques for Shading Machine Renderings of Solids," Proceedings of the Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1968, pp. 37-45. |
Beall, J.E., Doppelt A.M., and Huges, J.F., "Developing an Interactive Illustration: Using Java and the Web to Make It Worthwhile," Computer Graphics (Proceedings of 3D and Multimedia on the Internet, WWW and Networks), 16-18 April 1996, Pictureville, National Musuem of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford, UK. |
Garlick, Ben, Flyray program for SGI (unpublished). |
McMillan, Leonard, RayTrace Applet at |
McMillan, Leonard and Teller, Seth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Graphics Course Website at |
Bui-Thoung Phong, "Illumination for Computer Generated Images," Communications of the ACM, 18(6), June 1975, pp. 311-317. |
Whitted, Turner, "An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display," Communications of the ACM, 23(6), June 1980, pp. 343-349. |