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 FLTK Installation
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In the lab

FLTK is already installed and configured in the Graphics Lab.  The files are located in the directory "C:\Program Files\fltk-1.1.4\".

At home

1. Copy FLTK files

2. Configure .NET or MSVC++

3. Verify that your project is linking with the correct library

If you are using MSVC++ use these fltk libraries.

That's it!


1. Install Mesa
As the first step, you must install MesaGL. You can get the source of MesaGL from here. To install it,
> gunzip MesaLib-3_0_tar.gz
> tar -xvf MesaLib-3_0_tar
> cd Mesa-3.0
> make linux-386
Serveral minutes later, you will have libMesaGL.a and LibMesaGLU.a in Mesa-3.0/lib and a directory called GL in Mesa-3.0/include. I usually prefer to copy all these files into ~/local/lib and ~/local/include such that I can access all the libraries without remembering tons of paths.

2. Install Fltk
Now, we try to make fltk. You can get the source from here.
> gunzip fltk-1.1.4-source.tar.gz
> tar -xvf fltk-1.1.4-source.tar
> ./configure 
> make
 Create a local directory in you home dir
Open makeinclude file and change the prefix variable to the your local
 > make install
> cp fltk-1.1.4/fluid/fluid ~/local/bin
> cp fltk-1.1.4/
That's it. You will have
'fluid' in ~/local/bin,
two directories, FL and Fl, in include
and libfltk.a in lib.

Now everyting is in ~/local, you need to change the value of the variable, $(LOCAL), in Makefile to ~/lcoal.

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