Impressionist Artifacts

Please rate these artifacts submitted for the Impressionist project (10=highest, 1=lowest). The highest-rated artifacts will be awarded some extra credit (to be determined).  You must enter your UW student number at the bottom of the form, and only votes from CSE 457 students and staff will be counted. If you vote more than once, only your last set of votes will be counted. 

Click on each thumbnail image to see the full size impressionized image. Click on the full size image to see the original image. Then use your browser's back and forward buttons to compare them.  Enjoy!!

anders anthonyj antmol area
ceberle chrisb csanders cvakili
ddeterra denniskf destein dmb21
dmeyer emead friedl guerber
hendrytl holman horowitz ianli
jdwells jliang jmdavis jstoner
jtroy jump kaveh kevinn
kwiecinski ltmann mcosand petert
phattran pjliang rad rodger
ryanwt8 sabbosh schneidp spanglec
stbalo wanda wbk zchrisman
lmont graham19 connors loholm
dmorrisn louisv

Enter your UW student number: