(Iliana Avila-Campillo & Brad Weikel)

Highlights of our project:
- Instead of rigid joints, Norma has a fluid skin that stretches as she moves. We approached this problem by painstakingly drawing 2D cross sections of her body, then writing a function that attached any two cross sections, rotating each by arbitrary angles.
- Norma's moods are dynamic. Rather than jumping instantaneously from one mood to another, she shifts gradually between moods. Additionally, she has an interactive mode in which her moods are affected by the users actions (see Mood Guide below).
Mood Guide:
-Scared: Norma will curl her entire body to one side, trying to make herself smaller. In interactive mode, Norma becomes scared when the user moves around her or moves the lights. Playing with her will bring her back to normal.
-Mad: Norma will try to make herself larger and intimidating, by puffing out her side fins. In interactive mode, Norma gets mad when she sits still, and cheers up when you play with her. -Hungry: Norma will open her mouth when she is hungry. In interactive mode, she gets hungry when she plays, and you can feed her by moving her mouth.
-Dead (Interactive Mode Only): If Norma reaches her maximum capacity for all three moods, she will die (fish are very frail). Hint: To see her death, first play with her until her mouth is wide open (hungry), then move the camera and/or lights to make her mad and scared. To resurrect her, change out of Interactive Mode.

Note: The color of Norma's eyes help to indicate her mood. Green is hungry, red is mad, and blue is scared. Combinations of RGB mean her mood is mixed. White eyes=dead Norma.