(Kevin Meboe & Matthew Feeney)

Our model, quite simply, is a dog (and quite a beautiful dog, we might add). The dog does a number of things. His tail and head are moveable. Although he starts out a light brown color, the multi-varience color slider quickly renders him into lovely shades of purple and green. In addition, the dog can be viewed from a variety of camera angles, including but not limited to, above, below, front, and rear. As if that's not spectacular enough, you can also command the camera to "Zoom" closer or farther away.
The dog also encorporates a plethora of moods. In his "Happy" mood, he merely stands there dumbly, wagging his tail. He is in such a state of bliss that none of the previously operative "commands" have any effect on him. Compare this, in contrast, to his "Surprised" mood. When surprised, the dog's ears and tail stick straight up. In addition, the ears and tail can be moved (but only between two presets) very rapidly, as in a shocked-like manner. The final emotion is "Sadness." Your heart will break when you see our poor dog, head down, ears flat against his head, his once proud tail stuck between his legs. Although the sliders are functional when he's in this mood, they only move his tail and head a slight bit, as he is very sad.
Play with the dog. Get to know his sliders, as they are the keys to the door of his soul. Although he is little more than pixels and polygons, let him into your heart and he'll become a true friend, leaving you with memories you won't soon forget.