The interface for the animator project has recently been improved to allow for grouping of variables (under tabs in the control view and in cascading menus in the curve editor). If you want to update your model to use these new grouping options, it is a very simple process:

·         The changes will occur in your model’s init() function, along with the rest of your UI initializations.

·         To create groups, simply call group(“Name”).

·         To add items to a specific group, you will use the same calls to scale, checkbox, and curve that you used before, but append the group number to the argument list.

·         Unfortunately, menu type controls cannot yet be grouped. If you have multiple groups and create a menu, it will be placed in the first group automatically.


Here is an example of the changes you’ll need to make, using the Flick model.:


Before the change:

                scale( BASE_ROTATION, "base rotation", 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, 10);

                scale( RIGHT_ULEG_ROTATION, "right leg rotation", 25.0, -25.0, 0.1, 13.4);


                scale( TWIST, "twist", -45.0, 45.0, 0.5, 32.0);

scale( CURL, "curl", -90.0, 90.0, 0.5, 13.5);


After the change (changes in bold):

                group("Main");   //create main control group

                scale( BASE_ROTATION, "base rotation", 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, 10,0);  //add scale to control group

                scale( RIGHT_ULEG_ROTATION, "right leg rotation", 25.0, -25.0, 0.1, 13.4);  //again, but using default param.


                group("Antennae");   //create a second control group for the Antennae

                scale( TWIST, "twist", -45.0, 45.0, 0.5, 32.0,1 );  //add scale to antennae group

scale( CURL, "curl", -90.0, 90.0, 0.5, 13.5 ,1);  //and again.


The resulting UI, divided into two tabs in control mode . . .

... and cascading menus in the curve editor.