Story reel shot sequence
I. Introduction/Motive Sequence
0100 Aerial establishing shot of a small island village of huts.
0200 Zoom in to a long shot of island village.
0300 Camera moves in to capture the top of Sage’s head in the center of the village, surrounded by huts.
0400 Cut to a close-up of Sage’s face looking.
0500 Point-of-view (POV) shot of a hut with a basket-weaving medallion adorning the entrance.
0600 Pan right to a woman sitting on the ground weaving baskets. She is wearing a basket-weaving medallion. Baskets are stacked in the right foreground.
0700 Continue to pan right. A woman enters at the left of the frame carrying a sickle that rests on her left shoulder. She is wearing an agriculture medallion.
0800 Track woman until she crosses a canoe carver in the middleground.
0900 Zoom to canoe carver wearing a canoe-carving medallion.
1000 Reaction (rxn) shot of Sage frowning—longing for a medallion of her own.
1100 Her hand moves into the frame touching her bare neck.
1200 She makes a fist and a look of determination. Fade out.
II. Trying Montage Sequence
A. Basket-weaving:
1300 Medium-long shot of girls in a circle weaving baskets.
1400 Medium-close-up of a girl pleased with the basket she has completed and is holding it up in front of her. From the background, elder enters left of frame looking satisfied with the girl’s basket. Then turns to the right of the frame to see Sage.
1500 Pan right to Sage with a sloppy arrangement of fibers sticking out in every direction. Elder enters left top of frame looking shocked and disappointed. Sage looks over her shoulder and sees the disappointed elder. Fade out.
B. Canoe-carving:
1600 High long establishing shot of canoes lined up on beach with palm trees in the background.
1700 Cut to two-shot of a girl standing behind her completed canoe (right side of frame) and elder standing opposite the girl presenting her with a canoe-carving medallion.
1800 Cut to medium close-up of Sage doing something with her hands and whistling. Canoes in the background.
1900 Tilt down to close- up of Sage’s hands drumming her canoe.
2000 Tilt back up to Sage’s face and this time the Elder is standing behind her left of frame. She turns her head to look over her right shoulder and sees the disappointed Elder.
2100 Pan right as Elder walks away down the beach lined with canoes. Sage is at the left of the frame pouting and rejected.
2200 Remaining at left of frame, a profile of Sage looking off into the distance toward right of frame.
III. Get Out
2300 POV vast ocean. Hut on stilts right of frame, small islands of in the horizon.
2400 Pan left more ocean and silhouette of three figures in canoe.
2500 Continue to pan left more ocean.
2600 Cut back to close-up of Sage in the right foreground and her peers are giggling the left background behind her.
2700 Sage’s eyes fill with tears and she turns right.
2750 Sage leaves the frame.
2800 Cut to back shot of Sage. Camera remains stationary as Sage walks away from the camera and walks into the deep jungle.
IV. Jungle
2900 Cut to Sage stomping through the jungle upset. Walking from left of the frame to right.
3000 Sage disappears into the lush vegetation.
3100 Vegetation in the foreground separate Sage from the camera as she walks in the midground continuing to walk to the right as the camera tracks her.
3200 Sage emerges from the jungle.
3300 Camera stationary on the opposite side of a streamof Sage sitting by a stream peering over at her reflection.
3400 POV of Sage’s canted reflection.
3500 Canted shot of Sage from across the stream looking frightened. Reeds in the foreground.
3600 POV close-up of reeds across the stream.
3700 Camera remains stationary capturing the same POV shot, but frog jumps out of reeds and into water.
3800 Same POV, but claw emerges from reeds following the frog.
3900 Rxn close-up shot of Sage with her jaw dropped.
4000 Cut back to POV; two sets of glowing eyes peer at her through the reeds.
4050 Close-up of Sage surprised.
4051 Zoom in on Sage.
4052 Zoom in on Sage.
4100 Cut back to canted medium close-up shot of Sage running through the jungle.
4200 Cut back to reeds with a small kitten (panther cub) emerging and jumping into the stream after the frog.
4300 Cut back to Sage running through the jungle looking back.
4400 Close-up of Sage’s foot tripping on a root.
4500 Medium close-up of Sage on the ground
4550 Close-up of Sage’s face. Her eyes look up
4600 POV of silhouette of an ominous figure hovering over her.
4700 Cut to high long-shot of Sage running.
4800 Cut back to silhouette that is actually a palm tree.
4900 Cut back to long shot of Sage running. Vegetation in foreground.
V. Story
5000 Establishing shot of village
5100 Long shot of Sage emerging from the jungle.
5200 Sage looks over her shoulder to see that nothing is following her.
5250 Sage leaves right of frame.
5300 Medium long shot of Sage sitting by the fire
5400 Close-up panting and exhausted.
5500 Medium long shot of peers joining her on either side to inquire about her whereabouts.
5600 Sage’s POV of peers listening intently.
5650 Close-up of Sage as she tells her story. Fade-out
5660 Flashback of Sage at the river.
5670 Flashback of mysterious eyes.
5680 Flashback of Sage running.
5700 Fade in back to bonfire where other villagers have gathered to listen. Fade out.
5710 Flashback of Sage running.
5720 Flashback of Sage tripping.
5730 Flashback of Sage lying on the ground looking back.
5750 Fade in back to bonfire as Audience moves in closer engaged in her story.
5800 Close-up to Sage reenacting her experience. She growls to imitate her imaginary beast and outstretches her fingers like claws.
5900 Cut back to her frightened audience as the flinch back.
6000 Sage’s POV of an elder emerging from the crowd.
6100 Rxn. Close-up shot of Sage as she looks on in curiousity.
6200 Two-shot of elder bearing Sage’s gift.
6300 Rxn. Close-up of Sage in awe and appreciation.
6400 Close-up of Sage’s hands cradling her storyteller medallion.
6500 Medium close-up of Sage as she puts on her medallion and the others look on pleased.
6600 Camera pans to villagers’ reactions to the medallion (oohing and awing).
6800 Zoom out to high long shot of village gathering. Bonfire in the center. Palms frame the foreground. Fade out.