CSE 456 - Story for Digital Animation

Lab #1

For this assignment you will choose one of the stories you wrote for Thursday and draw a picture relating to each step on paper or in Photoshop (or both if you so choose). If you did your drawings on paper, scan each image into Photoshop and save to your student folder (see scanner and Photoshop tutorial below). Import your images into adobe premiere and put them on your timeline in order. Make each clip a few seconds long. Export your movie to the student turnin folder (see premiere tutorial below).

Tutorial for the scanner:

There is one scanner located in the lab, feel free to move it to the computer you are working on. When you plug in the USB port it should automatically find and install the necessary drivers.

Photoshop should automatically open, if not, go to Start -> All Programs -> Adobe Master Collection CS3 -> Adobe Photoshop CS3. Once Photoshop is open, go to File -> Import -> CanoScan LiDE 200...
This should open another window called ScanGear. On the right click the "Preview" button and wait while the scanner runs. Once it is done it will let you adjust the crop borders on the image, so go ahead and change them as necessary for your image then hit "Scan". It will give you a popup box asking if you want to scan more images, for now select "Retouch and save the image" then hit "OK".

Your image should now be in Photoshop. Go to File -> Save As… and save it on the network in your student folder located here: Computer -> cs (\\cseexec.cs.washington.edu)(O:) -> unix -> projects -> instr -> production1 -> cse456_su12_student_files -> yourlastname_yourfirstname.

Repeat the ScanGear step for the rest of your images, saving as you go. Once you have them all saved close Photoshop and move on to the Premiere tutorial.

Tutorial for Photoshop:

If you want to avoid scanning or just touch up your drawings, you can use Photoshop to draw/paint. To start, go to File -> New… or File -> Open… -> yourFile. In the ‘New’ window, change your units from pixels to inches and make your canvas size 8.5 X 11 and your resolution 72 pixels per inch (if you want/need really good resolution for some reason, 300 pixels per inch is generally a good size). Make your background contents transparent and then click ‘OK.’

You now have a completely blank canvas. On your left is your toolbar. For the purposes of this assignment you probably only need the pen or paintbrush tool, the eraser and maybe the paintbucket. On the lower right of your screen there should be a box labeled LAYERS, with a single layer in it called ‘Layer 1’ or possibly ‘background layer’ with a little lock symbol on the far right, if that is the case, double click on ‘background layer’ and then click ok on the dialogue box that pops up, it will now be called layer 0 and the lock symbol will be gone.

The first tool on your toolbar (looks like an arrow with the move tool symbol next to it) is your move and transform tool, if you want to move, resize or rotate a layer, you use this tool (if you want your layer to maintain its aspect ratio, hold down shift while using the resize tool).

The pen and paintbrush tool are on the same button on your toolbar, about a third of the way down, I think it usually starts as paintbrush. To change it, click and hold down on the paintbrush tool (left-click) and then select the pencil from the menu that appears. A few icons down is your eraser too and right below that is the paintbucket, though it might be set to the gradient tool, to change it to paintbucket, again, left click hold on the icon and select the paintbucket.

Tutorial for Premiere:

Start -> All Programs -> Adobe Master Collection CS3 -> Adobe Premiere Pro CS3

Click "New Project"

The default preset is fine for now, but next to "Location" click "Browse..." and navigate to your folder on the network. Computer -> cs (\\cseexec.cs.washington.edu)(O:) -> unix -> projects -> instr -> production1 -> cse456_su12_student_files -> yourlastname_yourfirstname

Name it something sensible like "yourlastname_yourfirstname_lab1"

Hit "OK"

You should now see several control panels. On the top left is the Project Control Panel that will show you the files you have imported and your sequences. Two the right is a viewport and editing area for a single selected clip. On the far right is a viewport for how your movie will appear. On the bottom left is basic info, an effects listing, and your history. To the right of that is the Timeline and on the far right some Toolboxes.

To get your files into Premiere go to File -> Import...
and again navigate to your folder on the network where you have saved your images. Select the desired ones (use Ctrl to select multiple files) and hit "Open" They should appear in the Project Control Panel.

Select the first image you want in your movie in the Project Control Panel. Then left click on it and drag it into the Timeline Panel. You should see the clip appear as a rectangle at the start of the timeline. If you hover on the top right edge of the clip your cursor will turn into a red bracket with two arrows. This tool will let you adjust the length of your clip, so click and extend your clip to about 8 seconds (00;00;08;00). Repeat this process for all your images, dragging them after the previous one in the timeline. You will notice that Premiere has a nice feature that automatically tries to snap your next clip onto the end of the previous one.

Now that you have them all in the timeline, scrub through your film and make sure all the images appear the way you want them to in the top right panel. To scrub, click and move the blue marker in the timeline or alternatively hit the play button under the viewport to watch it play at approximately realtime. If you have yet to resize your images from when you scanned them, you will likely see that your pictures don't fit in the frame very well. To fix this, click on the offending clip in the timeline and in the Clip Control Panel click on the Effect Controls tab. By default Premiere adds several video effects. The first one on the list should be called Motion. If you click the picture of the rectangle with the arrow next to the word "Motion" you will notice that in your movie viewport a box will appear around your clip edges. Grab a corner of this box in the viewport and drag to scale as needed. Alternatively (and more precisely) you can click the arrow to the left of the rectangle picture and you will get a dropdown list. Find "Scale" and click drag over the number to adjust your clip size or click and manually type in a number. Repeat this process until all your pictures are scaled appropriately.

When you are ready to save out a film go to File -> Export -> Movie...
Again, find your folder on the network and name the file something reasonable like "yourlastname_yourfistname_lab1" and then click the "Settings..." button. Under File Type select Quicktime. Under Range set it to Work Area Bar. For now, unclick the Export Audio box. Click "OK" and then click "Save".

You should now have your film for the first lab! Make a folder in the lab1 turnin folder (Computer -> cs (\\cseexec.cs.washington.edu)(O:) -> unix -> projects -> instr -> production1 -> cse456_su12_turn_in -> yourlastname_yourfirstname) called "yourlastname_yourfirstname" and put a copy of your film inside.

Please remember to save your Premiere file frequently as you go and save iterations. This may not seem as relevant for this lab because it should be pretty quick, but it will become very important the more time you put into your editing later.