CSE 456 - Story for Digital Animation

    Assignment #4
You will be split up into several working groups today and be expected to apply what you have learned so far to improve the following story. However, each of you will submit a unique story that includes your own creative ideas.

The story has a working title of "Picture Perfect."

You will be asked to do several exercises with your group members today and you will also be given sample copies of a Beatsheet and Sequence and Shot Lists to work from. Your 7 steps, Beatsheet and Sequence and Shot List will be edited and improved over the next two assignments.

Using the armature below as a guide and the steps below, you will create 7 steps, a beatsheet and a sequence and shot list and turn them in before class on Thursday July 7 via email. You will collect as much information as you can today so that you can create your own version of our film and be prepared to move forward with thumbnail drawings on Thursday.

Remember to use all of the tools you have been given thusfar to help you -- and pay particular attention to the Personal Hell exercise. You'll need that to develop the arc of the Mother in this story,

Here are the notes from today's class that will be important to refer to.
Syd Caesar Short for review:
Select among these options for music:

Here's the armature you will need to conform your story to:

Armature: A Happy Family is a Perfect Family

And here are the current steps -- please note that the steps below fall somewhere between between 7 steps and a Beatsheet. You will need to work to improve on them and provide both 7 steps and a beatsheet for Thursday.
1. A mother and wife has an image of her family and herself as being perfect. Note: Music for her could be slower and more lyrical.. While we see her “fixing” her family, the music is faster and more frenzied and bombastic. We see this reflected in how she primps and how meticulously she puts on makeup as she prepares for the photo shoot.
2. Finally satisfied with herself ( she looks “perfect” she is then mortified with any imperfection. There’s an Intensity and an uptightness to get it "right" but she's also alternately hopeful and then disappointed when she doesn’t live up to her expectations. It takes more and more time to try to stay perfect.
3. We then see her family entering the photo studio one by one and they are far from ready for their picture to be taken
4. Mom takes great effort to make each of them look they way she thinks is perfect (posing them) and gets them ready for the professional photo shoot so that the family conforms her to her idea of perfect.
5. We see her (image) start to unravel as she works harder and harder to make her family members look perfect.
6. With each shot capturing the “wrong” view of each member, the action builds to a frenzy/to a crescendo in the music.
7. Finally, she has a nervous breakdown and she has her darkest moment.
8. It is just after this moment that she catches herself in the mirror with the rest of her family and sees that they are all looking at her like she's crazy and that they are very worried about her.
9 . She ceases and desists upon seeing this – aware of the the guilt and shame she is loading onto them and starts to laugh hysterically at herself and the irony of the situation.
10 . The family sees her laughing and they interpret this as tacit permission to laugh at her and themselves as a family group.
11. Then we see the continued flashing of the pictures that follow this progression from beginning to end,
12. Finally we see a picture of happy family members -- joyful but looking unkempt and far from conventional. Each family member is looking comfortable in their own skin and is enjoying being joyful with each other family member
13. We see the flash of the last picture and then a Postcard of that picture -- with "Happy Holidays from the Jones's"

You will be expected to turn in:

7 Steps
Sequence List
Shot List

Please remember to put your name on your work -- not just the name of your file.