CSE 456 - Storyreel and DVD Design and Production for CG Animation

Grade calculation: 50% - Quality of Individual Work (contribution to final product)
                                50% - Participation and Collaboration

Storyboard Workshop – Weekend of July 7th




JUL 17

JUL 19

Welcome, introduction and overview lecture. (Barbara)

Story Excercise and Introduction to Story Construction. (Brian)

JUL 24

Introduction to the Animated Story (Barbara)
Introduction to Story (Brian)

TA Demo: 1-2pm
Scanning images and intro to Premiere (Will)

Exercise: Analysis of short animated films

Assignment 1:
Individual story design using the seven steps
Goal: Design a 2-3 minute animated film

JUL 26

Introduction to storytelling for animated films (Barbara)
Introduction to Story part 2 (Brian)

Exercise: Analysis of short animated films

Assignment 2:
Story Project

Assignment 3:
Story Pitches and Story Panels

Lab: Improv Session with Matt Smith

JUL 31

Introduction to Story part 3(Brian)

Screening of the "Best of the Best Animated Films":
Discussion of the relative merits of these films

Review: Assignment 3 Story Panels


Motion Principles, Screenings, and Shot Breakdowns (Barbara)
Lighting and Cinematography, Pacing for Story (TBA)

Assignment 4:
Final Script, Story Panels

Story Pitch with Storyreel

Lab: Advanced Premiere Demo (Danny)

AUG 7: Siggraph

Improv session part 2 with Matt Smith

Individual Pitch Reviews

Pitch and Script Reviews: Student work in progress

AUG 9: Siggraph

Story, Direction, and Music (Hummie Mann)

Individual Pitch Reviews

Story Review with Audio

Lab: Character Animation Demo (Christine)

AUG 14

Producing and Directing for Animated Films (Barbara)


AUG 16

Wrap up Lecture (Brian and Barbara)

Lab: Final Presentations with Final Storyreels