“Skip and Bruno”

Sequence and Shot list

CSE 456 :: Group 3 :: Summer 2004

Camden Davis :: Grayson Deitering :: Michael Lim :: Twaha Kabocho



Sequence I: INTRO :: “Introduction”

INTRO 0050

Close up of a clock’s hands

INTRO 0100

Zoom out to see more of clock

INTRO 0200

Zoom out; Skip sitting on one side of clock, Bruno on the other

INTRO 0300

Zoom out farther; Dogs sitting in dark

INTRO 0400

Invert lights; Dog’s go crazy with alarm; owners now visible

INTRO 0500

Owners putting leashes on dogs

INTRO 0600

Owners leaving with dogs on leashes

INTRO 0700

One owner opening a door, fading to white

INTRO 0800

Skip dragging his owner down street toward camera

INTRO 0900

Skip dragging his owner down street past and away from camera

INTRO 1000

Bruno carrying his owner slowly along path

INTRO 1050

Bruno continuing to trot along path, carrying owner

Sequence II: PLAY :: “Playing at the dog park”

PLAY 0100

Bird’s eye view of dog park; both dogs arriving separately

PLAY 0200

Owners and dogs coming into same frame

PLAY 0300

Dogs greeting (happy, playful); owners greeting (shaking hands)

PLAY 0400

Skip jumps on Bruno’s back

PLAY 0500

Bruno walks both dogs towards tree, away from owners

PLAY 0700

At tree, Skip jumps off of Bruno’s back; Dogs dig

PLAY 0800

Dogs looking at uncovered ball

PLAY 0850

Skip jumps out to take ball first

PLAY 0900

Skip holds ball up

PLAY 1000

Bruno moves in behind Skip

PLAY 1100

Bruno bats the ball away from Skip

PLAY 1200

Both dogs chase ball together

PLAY 1300

Skip fetches ball

Sequence III: HIDE :: “Dogs hiding ball”

HIDE 0100

Dogs’ ears pick up

HIDE 0300

Dogs run to tree and bury ball

Sequence IV: DOM :: “Dominance at the dog park”

DOM 0100

Dogs looking at uncovered ball

DOM 0150

Skip jumps out to take ball first

DOM 0300

Bruno moves in behind Skip as Skip holds ball up

DOM 0400

Bruno misses when he tries to swat ball

DOM 0600

Bruno bounds over to Skip, who has ball

DOM 0700

Bruno reaches in to touch ball

DOM 0800

Close up of Bruno’s paw near ball, with Skip’s face in reflection

DOM 0900

Skip growls at Bruno

DOM 1000

Bruno cowers and runs off

DOM 1100

Alternate view of Bruno moving away from Skip

DOM 1200

Bruno alone on opposite side of dog park

Sequence V: FRIENDS :: “Bruno gets new friends”


Bruno laying down, looking sad


Other dogs’ shadows approach Bruno


Bruno looks up

Sequence VI: SHARE :: “Skip shares with Bruno”

SHARE 0100

Skip playing with ball by himself

SHARE 0150

Swing camera overhead to show bird’s eye view of Skip playing

SHARE 0200

Pan dog park to Bruno and other dogs

SHARE 0300

Zoom in on Bruno with other dogs

SHARE 0350

Zoom in more on Bruno and other dogs; Bruno noticeably happy

SHARE 0400

Bruno smiling, surrounded by other dogs

SHARE 0425

Raise camera to view through Bruno’s wagging tail

SHARE 0450

Zoom in to see Skip alone

SHARE 0475

Zoom in more to see Skip by tree with ball

SHARE 0500

Skip playing, joylessly, with ball

SHARE 0600

Skip looks at Bruno and others playing; focus on others

SHARE 0650

Same; focus on Skip

SHARE 0700

Close up of Skip putting ball in mouth

SHARE 0800

Skip walking towards others

SHARE 0850

Alternate view of skip walking towards others

SHARE 0900

Skip approaches Bruno

SHARE 1000

Skip drops ball

SHARE 1050

Ball rolls over to Bruno’s feet

SHARE 1100

Bruno stares at ball

SHARE 1150

Bruno holds ball

SHARE 1200

Bruno’s ears perk up again

SHARE 1250

Skip looking sad

SHARE 1300

Skip’s expression changes to happy

SHARE 1400

Bruno looks happy

Sequence VII: EPILOGUE :: “Happily ever after”


All dogs playing together