This assignment is due on Thursday, Apr 28 2024 at 11:59pm PST.

Starter code containing Colab notebooks can be downloaded here.


Please watch the below video on submitting to gradescope and tagging your inline questions, which was not done in assignment 0.

Note. Ensure you are periodically saving your notebook (File -> Save) so that you don’t lose your progress if you step away from the assignment and the Colab VM disconnects.

Once you have completed all Colab notebooks except collect_submission.ipynb, proceed to the submission instructions.


In this assignment you will practice implementing Keypoints, Panaromas, Energy Functions, Seam Carving.

Q1: Panorama

The notebook panorama.ipynb will walk you through implementing the Harris Corner detectortor, key points matching, RANSAC and HOG.

Q2: Seam Carving

The notebook Seam_carving.ipynb will walk you through implementing energy funciton, and seam carvin.

Submitting your work

Important. Please make sure that the submitted notebooks have been run and the cell outputs are visible.

Once you have completed all notebooks and filled out the necessary code, you need to follow the below instructions to submit your work:

1. Open collect_submission.ipynb in Colab and execute the notebook cells.

This notebook/script will:

If your submission for this step was successful, you should see the following display message:

### Done! Please submit and a2_inline_submission.pdf to Gradescope. ###

2. Submit the PDF and the zip file to Gradescope.

Remember to download and a2_inline_submission.pdf locally before submitting to Gradescope.