Not that kind of fish tank... Jen Smith
CSE455 - Computer Vision
Project 1 Artifact

Source Images

For my artifact, I wanted to do something that wasn't particularly serious. I've had an illustration of a hermit crab driving a tank floating around in my head for some time, so I decided, why not try it as a photo manipulation first? My first stop was Google Image Search to look for a couple of images that might work together.

A crab, appearing quite capable of leading an army
A rather awesome painting of a tank

Image Masks

Masks were made with the sample solution, since I didn't get my program to work. I made two masks, one for the crab itself, and another for the area separating its legs.

Mask for the crab's body
Mask for the crab's legs

Final Result

To create the final image, I composited the source images and masks in GIMP, and then did a bunch of tweaking to make the crab fit into the tank scene. The first thing I needed to do was filter the image to sharpen it and bring out the edges. It was also necessary to adjust the colour balance to remove some of the overly warm tones in the original image. I then cloned the gun off of the top of the tank, and resized the crab layer so it would fit where the gun used to be. Finally, I went in with the brush tool and drew in some shadows to touch up the image and make it look like the crab is actually part of the environment.

The final result