Wampa Kitten

Jason Mackay
CSE455 Computer Vision
Project 1 Artifact
  • Original Images
  • Mask Images
  • Final Image
  • Original Images
    The original images include a snowy mountain background selected to elicit a Hoth-like atmosphere, a kitten on its hind legs ready to pounce, Luke Skywalker on a Taun-Taun from Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, and a second mountain snow scene from which we extract a foreground snow hill to cover the missing feet of Lukes Taun-Taun.
    Mask(s) made with iScissor.
    iScissor was used to mask off the kitten, Luke and his Taun-Taun, and the foreground snow hill for compositing.
    Final Image.

    To arrive at my final image I did the following steps in Gimp:

  • Load the background image
  • Load the Kitten as a layer and mask it off using the instructions provided for Gimp
  • Flatten the image
  • Load Luke Skywalker as a layer and mask it off the same way we handled the kitten
  • Do some appropriate scaling and positioning of Luke Skywalker to make it appear that the kitten is attacking
  • Load the forground snow image and mask off the hill
  • Again, some scaling and positioning was done
  • Finally the image was flattened and saved as a JPG image