Coral Peterson
CSE 455 Computer Vision
Project 1 artifact

Original images Mask images Final image

Original Images

Mask Images

Final Image

To begin, I started looking through my folder of awesome cat photos, and came across this picture of a cat eating a sno cone. I decided to make it eat the earth instead. I carefully cut out the picture of the cat. Notice that the mask is inverted and I actually cut away all of the portions that were not the cat instead, because this was much easier than having just one mask for the cat. Once I had the correct mask I just inverted it in Gimp.

Then, I found a nice image of planet earth to become the new "sno cone". I cut out this image and put it near the cat's head. Around this time, I also found a picture of space and stars to be the background image. This image was not altered by a mask, but it was sized to fit the exist image, and the brightness of the stars were toned down.

I realized that a cat head floating in space was a bit odd, so I found a sitting white cat to act as the body for my existing sno cone cat head. I cut out this cat from its surroundings, altered the colors, and lined up the two cats.

For final touches, I use the smudge tool to blend the two cats together more. I also went over the outline of the sitting cat with the smudge tool (since the orignal photo was already quite blurry in those parts) and adjusted the colors a bit.