CSE 455 - Project #3: 3D from a Single Image
Paul Larpenteur
UW Red Square Obelisk
Vincent van Gogh's Crazy Asylum
Approach and Results
Please read the approach and results section on the obelisk and
asylum pages.
Extensions that I would have done given more time.
If given more time, I would like to have made a backdrop for each image, such as the
background of Red Square for instance, that would appear behind the image of the obelisk.
I would have also liked to make a complete 3D obelisk so that you could turn it fully
around and view it from any angle. Making the textures for the different sides of
the obelisk would be easy, but I would have to pay attention to some lighting effects.
I could have also tried cutting out and pasting a different image, say of a person
for instance, and sticking them into one of these 3D scenes, such as a picture of
Van Gogh placed inside of Van Gogh's crazy hallway! ;-)
Personally, I found certain parts of this project very challenging and frustrating,
such as using STL & vector classes that I don't know how to access correctly without
generating memory access errors. But after everthing was said and done, I really liked
making and looking at my 3D picture of the obelisk. It's really cool!!!
Visit Paul's Game Homepage