3D Modeling #
Awh!!! Pooh is eating honey
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these are all the components that make up honey bucket land. these thumbnails are clickable.
After hours spent searching for a nice-but-not-too-complicated-easy-to-do picture, i stumbled upon this simple honey bucket. at first i though to myself, how the #ell do i get ten different polygons from these buckets. just when i started to give up on this image, a friend told me why not doing a complete 360 degree view of the bucket. i tried it and it works fine. oh! just then pooh jumps in and join the fun.
my kitchen
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well! my kitchen is kinda flat <know what i mean?> and so i decided to fixed it up a little...maybe making it more lively. here are the tools and supplies i used:
as can be seen from my blueprint above, this remodeling wasn't easy... but i managed.
ohh yeah! pooh was a big help here too... he painted the whole kitchen...