Malcolm Bixby  CSE455 Computer Vision

To immortalize your professor in stone.



Find a good statue. 

In this case a 13th century Buddha Sculpture from Angkor, Cambodia…

2.  Then carve out the desired mask using the scissor tool of project 1.   

3. Find a suitable image of said professor………

4.            Apply a Sorbel Filter to the image to highlight the edges.  Add 128 to the offset in order to ‘gray’ the image.


In this case:

  -1 –2  –1

   0   0   0

   1   2   1



5. Using Photoshop:

Convert to grayscale,

add Gaussian noise,

and brighten areas to match statue highlights. 

Then apply mask.





7.  Finally, use a blur tool to soften the edges around the mask.