// common js code for network //Clear inherited frames if (parent != self) { top.location=self.document.location; } //random number for dc //var ord = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000); var abc = Math.random() + ""; var ord = abc.substring(2,abc.length); //get stylesheet regardless of browser //document.write(''); //Shared Functions // Pop-Up Embedder Script by David Battino, www.batmosphere.com function PlayerOpen(soundfiledesc,soundfilepath, width, height) { winPadding = 100;//for the header and caption if (!width){ winWidth=320; width =300; } else{ winWidth = winPadding + Number(width); } if(!height){ winHeight=190; height = 42; } else{ winHeight = winPadding + Number(height); } PlayWin = PrivoxyWindowOpen('','Player','width=' + winWidth + ',height=' + winHeight + ',top=0,left=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=auto,titlebar=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes,directories=yes'); PlayWin.focus(); PlayWin.document.write("" + soundfiledesc + ""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write("" + soundfiledesc + ""); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write("

Download this file (right-click or Option-click)

"); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.close(); // "Finalizes" new window } // Pop-Up Embedder by David Battino, www.batmosphere.com function PopImage(filedesc,filepath,origwidth,origheight,caption) { winPadding = 100;//for the header and caption winWidth = winPadding + Number(origwidth); winHeight = winPadding + Number(origheight); PlayWin = PrivoxyWindowOpen('','Image','width=' + winWidth + ',height=' + winHeight + ',resizable=1,scrollbars=1,titlebar=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes,directories=yes'); PlayWin.document.write("" + filedesc + ""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write("

" + filedesc + "

"); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write("" + filedesc + ""); PlayWin.document.write("

" + caption + "

"); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write("

"); PlayWin.document.write("
"); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.write(""); PlayWin.document.close(); // "Finalizes" new window } // JavaScript Document // Pop-Up Embedder Script by David Battino, www.batmosphere.com // v 2005-05-02a function MediaPop(popuptitle,imgpath,imgwidth,imgheight,caption,soundpath,UniqueID) { // CONSIDER ADDING ERROR HANDLING var winWidth = Number(imgwidth) + 100; // imgwidth should be <651; shoot for 600 var rawHeight = Number(imgheight) + 168 + caption.length/7; // calculate window height based on caption length var winHeight = Math.round(rawHeight * Math.pow(10,0))/Math.pow(10,0); // round to integer MediaWin = PrivoxyWindowOpen('',UniqueID,'width=' + winWidth + ',height=' + winHeight + ',top=0,left=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=auto,titlebar=yes,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,status=yes,directories=yes,personalbar=0'); MediaWin.focus(); var winContent = "" + popuptitle + ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += "
"; winContent += "
"; // restrict width winContent += "" + popuptitle + ""; winContent += ""; // add 4 to width to align controller with img border? winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += "

" + caption + "

"; winContent += "
"; winContent += "
Download audio file (right-click or Option-click)"; //winContent += "
"; // Close button winContent += " • Close this window

"; winContent += "
"; winContent += ""; MediaWin.document.write(winContent); MediaWin.document.close(); // "Finalizes" new window }