CSE 451- Operating Systems
Winter 1998
Carla Ellis

  • Who - Introductions

  • Why - Objectives and Expectations

  • What - Our Topic: Operating Systems

  • How - Policies and Administrative Details

    Objectives / Expectations

  • What we want to accomplish today.

  • What I want you to learn in this class ...

  • Why I volunteered to teach this course (my agenda).

  • What you can expect from me.

  • What I expect from you.

    What You Will Learn

  • What an OS does. What services are provided, what functions are performed, what resources are managed, and what interfaces and abstractions are supported.

  • How the OS is implemented. How the code is structured. What algorithms are used.

  • Techniques, skills, and "systems intuition" (e.g., concurrent programming).

    What is an OS?

    Your ideas?

    What is an OS?

  • Resource Manager of physical (HW) devices ...

  • Abstract machine environment. The OS defines a set of logical resources (objects) and operations on those objects (an interface on the use of those objects).

  • Allows sharing of resources. Controls interactions among different users.

  • Privileged, protected software - the kernel. Different kind relationship between OS and user code (entry via system calls, interrupts).

  • Birthplace of system design principles: e.g., Separation of Policy and Mechanism.

  • Supporting role - to provide services for the target workload, not an end product itself.

  • Not the command interpreter and not a library of utility functions that can be linked into user programs.

    HW Resources to be Managed

  • CPU (computation cycles)

  • Primary memory

  • Secondary memory devices (disk, tapes)

  • Networks

  • Input devices (keyboard, mouse, camera)

  • Output devices (printers, display, speakers)

    Working simultaneously. Shared among tasks. ||ism - concurrent demands from all directions.

    Examples of Abstractions

  • Threads or Processes (Fork)

  • Address spaces (Allocate)

  • Files (Open, Close, Read, Write)

  • Messages (Send, Receive)

    Major Issues in OS

  • Structure

  • Concurrency and Synchronization

  • Extensibility, Compatibility

  • Communication

  • Sharing

  • Naming

  • Protection

  • Access control, Security

  • Performance

  • Reliability, Fault Tolerance

  • Persistance, Longevity

  • Scalability, Distribution

  • Accounting - $$

    How CSE 451 Will Work

  • The course web has all the details.

  • Immediate TO DO's

  • Set up mechanisms for communication:

  • Find the web pages.

  • Make your own course web page.

  • Subscribe to the cse451 mailing list.

  • Begin reading textbook.