Lecture 4: Virtual memory
Download the source code of xv6 .
git clone https://github.com/xiw/xv6.git
You should be able to build and run xv6 using make qemu or
make qemu-nox , using the same tools for JOS.
Let’s do a quick exercise to get familiar with xv6.
Recall that last week we used strace
to observe the arguments
and return values of Linux system calls.
Modify xv6 to print out similar information (hint: syscall()
in syscall.c
For example, you should see the following after booting:
fork() = 2
exec() = 0
open("console", 0x2) = 3
close(3) = 0
$write(2, "$", 1) = 1
write(2, " ", 1) = 1
This is init
forking and execing sh
, sh
making sure only
two file descriptors are open, and sh
writing the $
how’s lab 1? start lab 2 now!
why JOS maps two 4-MB ranges during booting
will move kernel to high memory and leave low memory for user space
make sure you understand exercise 8, lab 1
writes to [0, 4M)
will cause a page fault; writes to the other won’t - why
why not just a 4K single-level page table
save space: on-demand allocation of the 2nd-level (page table pages)
think about x86_64: 4K four-level paging
why JOS detects 128MB physical RAM - by default QEMU emulates 128MB mem
what if kernel accesses a physical address larger than RAM size
Paging recap
pointers: virtual addresses
now you understand what happens when you dereference a pointer,
access an object field, etc.
kernel: set up a page table
MMU: VA → PA translation & permission checking
TLB: cache translation results
x86 page table example: 4KB page size, two-level tree
see the xv6 book, Figure 2-1, x86 page table hardware
top-level: page directory
1024 entries (PDE)
each PDE is 32-bit: address of page table page (20 bits) & flags (12 bits)
second-level: page table pages
each has 1024 entries (PTE)
each PTE is 32-bit: physical page address (20 bits) & flags (12 bits)
would the physical RAM size affect the size of the page directory
how would you implement our QEMU’s info pg in JOS kernel monitor
x86 programming interface
CR0: enable/disable paging
CR3: the address of the page directory
: invalidate TLB
TLB shootdown (multiprocessor)
page fault (address in CR2)
Memory management overview in JOS
get e820 map from BIOS: boot/entry.S
pass e820 map to the kernel: boot/main.c
save a copy of e820 map: kern/e820.c
detect RAM size: detect_memory()
in kern/pmap.c
track page info
use e820 map to identify usable/reserved pages
be careful with e820 map
ranges may overlap
ranges may have holes
ranges may not be page-aligned
page table management
lookup, insert, remove, etc.
has useful macros
see inc/memlayout.h