CSE 451, Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2014

Setting Up Your Own Toolchain

Do You Really Need to Do This?

If you are working on attu, forkbomb, or any of the Linux lab workstations, the toolchain has already been pre-installed. Simply add /projects/instr/14au/cse451/tools/binau to your PATH. The easiest way is to execute the following command:

echo -e "\nexport PATH=\$PATH:/projects/instr/14au/cse451/tools/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
You may have to log out then log in again for the shell to grab the new PATH settings. You may also have problems if your .bash_profile does not source your .bashrc; if this is the case, add the above line to your .bash_profile instead.

If any of the above doesn't make sense, please feel free to ask fellow students, post on the discussion board, or ask any of the instructional staff. It is very important that you can properly access the toolchain.

You can test that the toolchain is properly set up by issuing which sys161. If your shell can find sys161, then your PATH is set correctly and you're good to go.

Installing a Toolchain Anyway

If you're working from a personal machine (not recommended) or from a VM, you need to set up your own toolchain so that you can build the provided operating system. The easiest way to do this is to download and run the installation script, which you can find here. To download it it directly to your system, you can execute:

wget http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse451/14au/install-toolchain.sh
Then just
sh install-toolchain.sh
to start the installation process.

By default, this script will create a directory cse451 in your home folder, downloading the toolchain source files into ~/cse451/scratch. The toolchain binaries will be installed into ~/cse451/tools/bin. This script will also automatically add ~/cse451/tools/bin to your PATH by editing your .bashrc file. If you wish to change the toolchain install directory, simply edit the BASEDIR variable in the script accordingly.