Instructions for electronic submission of projects --------------------------------------------------- We will use the turnin facility on to handle electronic submissions of projects. This file contains instructions for submission using turnin. All of the CSE451 projects are specifically named: project0 project1 project2a project2b project3 To submit a project electronically, please proceed according to the following steps: 1. Log into attu or a linux machine in the lab. Those are the machines where electronic submission is enabled; forkbomb does not support turnin, and unfortunately the CSE home VM does not either. 2. For project0, create a directory named -project0 (e.g. Ed's would be "lazowska-project0"). For the rest of the projects, create a directory named -project (e.g. group cse451k would create a directory named "cse451k-project2b" for project 2b. These naming conventions are a requirement; please DO NOT use any other name. 3. Copy all of the files necessary to understand and compile your project into the new directory: .c and .h files, Makefiles, bzImage, libraries, readme files, etc. Please DO NOT include executables, object files, core dumps, etc., in the directory. Finally, CHECK each project's description for specific submission instructions for that project. 4. cd to the directory containing your project directory and type: turnin -v -c cse451 -p project where the is replaced with one of {0,1,2a,2b,3}. You will have to select the section that you are enrolled in (either AA or AB). On success, you should see this message: Your files have been submitted to cse451, project for grading. NOTE that you can run the turnin command multiple times; each turnin will overwrite your previous turnin, so the final turnin that you perform is what will be graded. Turnin of projects will be disabled 24-48 hours after the due date for each project unless otherwise specified. Troubleshooting: Please email the TAs if you have any problems with the turnin system. Additionally, you may try the following steps yourself if you are having trouble: - If you cannot ssh to attu to run the turnin command, try to ssh directly to attu1, attu2, attu3, or attu4.