CSE 451, Introduction to Operating Systems, Spring 2012

Lectures: MWF 11:30-12:20 EEB 037
Section AA: Thurs 12:30-1:20 MGH 271
Section AB: Thurs 1:30-2:20 MGH 295

Who Office Hours
Ed Lazowska, Instructor
lazowska at cs.washington.edu
Monday, 12:30-1:20, CSE 570
or by appointment
Pete Hornyack, TA
pjh at cs.washington.edu
Wednesday, 10:30-11:20, CSE 220
Friday, 3:30-4:20, CSE 002
Elliott Brossard, TA
snowden at cs.washington.edu
Tuesday, 12:30-1:20, CSE 002
Wednesday, 1:30-2:20, CSE 002

  • 6/7/12: Course grade histogram here; scores in GradeBook here.
  • 6/7/12: Final exam histogram here; scores in GradeBook here.
  • 5/27/12: Please note: You must provide a confidential peer assessment to Pete by 11:59 p.m. on Monday June 4.
  • 5/27/12: The final exam is scheduled for 2:30-4:20 on Wednesday June 6. The exam will focus on material since the midterm, plus a few topics that caused problems on the midterm. Some review notes are posted here.
  • 5/17/12: Project 3 will be available on Friday, and due by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday June 2.
  • 5/17/12: Please read Chapter 14 for Monday.
  • 5/15/12: Please read Chapter 13 for Wednesday.
  • 5/8/12: Please read Chapters 11 and 12 for Friday.
  • 5/6/12: Version 0.32 of the text is available.
  • 5/4/12: Please read Chapter 9 for Monday, here or here.
  • 4/30/12: Midterm histogram here; scores in GradeBook here.
  • 4/28/12: Catalyst GradeBook here.
  • 4/24/12: Please read Chapter 8 for Friday.
  • 4/20/12: The midterm will be Monday April 30, not Friday April 27!
  • 4/16/12: Please read Chapter 7 for Monday.
  • 4/16/12: Project 2 has been posted; parts 1, 2, 3 due May 2; parts 4, 5, 6 due May 18.
  • 4/14/12: Please read Chapter 6 for Friday.
  • 4/14/12: Please read Chapter 5 for Monday.
  • 4/7/12: Please read Chapter 4 for Wednesday.
  • 4/2/12: Project 2 has been posted.
  • 4/1/12: The text is quite sophisticated. You won't get it all on the first pass. The right approach is to re-read each chapter once we've covered the corresponding material in class; more of it will make sense then. Don't save this re-reading until right before the mid-term or final - keep up with understanding the material!
  • 4/1/12: Please read Chapter 3 for Thursday.
  • 3/30/12: Please read Chapter 2 for Monday.
  • 3/30/12: Please watch the video here (27 minutes).
  • 3/30/12: The CSE Burrito-cam: Check the line at the trucks from the comfort of 002 here.
  • 3/23/12: 20 mentors needed for new CSE students - Wednesday, 4:30-6, in the Atrium. See the advisors' plea here.
  • 3/22/12: Project 0 has been posted here, due Wednesday April 4. This is an individual project. The remaining projects will be 3-person team projects - you'll need to form teams during the first week of class.
  • 3/20/12: The first reading assignment has been posted here, due Wednesday March 28.
  • 3/18/12: The text is available here. A CSE NetID is required for access.
  • 3/18/12: There is a class discussion board here.
  • 3/18/12: All students should have been auto-subscribed to the CSE451 email list, cse451a_sp12 at uw.edu - archive here.

  • Textbooks Required
    Operating Systems: Principles and Practice, Version 0.3 0.31 0.32 (large pdf), Tom Anderson and Mike Dahlin. This is a locally stored copy. The archive for the text is here (email us for credentials).

    The Linux Kernel, David Rusling. (A locally stored copy is kept here.  No attempt will be made to keep the local copy synch'ed with the official copy.)
    - or -
    The Linux Kernel, Andries Brouwer. (Another, more up-to-date (kernel level 2.5+) guide.)

    Strongly encouraged Running Linux, Matthias Dalheimer and Matt Welsh, ISBN-10 0596007604. Unless you are already running a Linux system on a personal machine (and maybe even then) I highly recommend you read this book. Available online through the UW Libraries here.
    Videos Required Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks, Fernando Corbato (27 minutes).

    Required Every OS Sucks, Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie.