Reading: Chapter 3 by Fri. By Monday I would like you to turn in: Chapt 3: Ex 3.2, 3.4 and 3.6 Write a utility in c that converts 32 bit HEX inputs ("0xfeedface") into integers (AND SHOW THE STEPS!!!) Input should come from argc/argv, as in: % ./a.out 0xfeedface 4277009102 % ./a.out 0xffff 65535 Your utility should do this conversion MANUALLY... that is, WRITE the code that operates that the bit manipulation level. Utility and answers are due in class monday morning. Please turn the utility in as a printout of your source code. FOR EACH LECTURE Please EMAIL me your "What is the point of the most recent lecture?" notes by the end of the day of the most recent lecture. Example: Subject: POINT OF MOST RECENT LECTURE: 11/2/07 The point was ....