CSE 451 Autumn 2000
Project Assignment 2

User-Level Concurrent Programming

Out: 9 October, 2000
Due: 19 October, 2000

Assignment Goals

Assignment Synopsis

You will start from a working ("far as I can tell") version of a "chat monitor."  The program connects to an ongoing, multi-person conversation.  Each chatter in the conversation is typing messages for everyone to see.  The chat monitor displays these messages as they are being typed.  (It's a "chat monitor" because, unlike a chat program, you are not yourself a chatter - nothing you type will be displayed by anyone, nor will your program display anything typed by the person sitting next to you.)

The initial version of the chat monitor is single threaded.  Basically, it does this:

Additionally, the program allows the viewer to scroll the output up the screen using the "down arrow" key.  Because the program is single-threaded, there is only a certain point in its execution during which it attempts to read any typed keys.  In the current implementation, this means that scrolling works only while the chat monitor is active reading and displaying characters typed by some chatter. 

The assignment is to make the chat monitor multi-threaded in a way that allows the chat monitor's behavior to be changed so that:

Overall Program Architecture

It wouldn't be useful to have a chat monitor program if no one was chatting.  Worse, debugging would be quite difficult.

To address these problems, we built a "server" that produces synthetic chatters.  Your "client," the chat monitor program, connects to the server when it starts.  The server then sends it messages telling it to connect to individual (synthetic) chatters.  The chat monitor connects to each of these chatters, reads and displays what they're typing, and disconnects when they're done.

We are running servers on both greer and baugh.  There is code in the chat monitor program (hereafter called "the client") that will automatically locate and connect to one of these servers, so long as (a) you have a working net connection when you run the client, and (b) the servers haven't crashed.  We will also supply the server code so that you can run a server on the same machine as your client, if you wish (e.g., you have no net connection, or all the servers have crashed).  The client program already has code that will cause it to connect to a server on the same machine that it's running on, if there is one, in preference to making a connection to a remote server.

Here's what things look like.  "Client A" and "Client B" are two of you, each running the client (chat monitor).  "Server" is a server running on greer or baugh.  "Bill," "Hillary," et al. are various synthetic chatters.

When your client program starts, it finds the server and tells it that it (the client program) exists.  The server now sends messages telling the client to connect to chatters, as chatters arrive.  The client does this, and the chatters start sending typed data (the thicker arrows), continuing to do that until they're done typing.  In the multi-threaded version of your program it listens to all all chatters at once, and updates the screen for all of them each time it receives new data.

Communication between your client and the server, for announcement by the server of new chatters, takes place on one socket.  Communication of data from a chatter to the client takes place on a second socket.  (See the next section for more on sockets.)

Client/Server Communication

There are things you must know, and things you don't need to know.  The client code has been written in a way that attempts to minimize what you must know.

What you must know is that the client and server communicate using "sockets."  Once a socket has been set up by each side, and the two sockets connected (something that happens in clientNetworking.c, and something you don't have to know how to do), the important thing is that you get data out of the connection using read() and/or can send it to the other side using write():

retcode = read (socketNumber, buf, bufLen);
retcode = write (socketNumber, buf, bufLen);

socketNumber is technically an integer, but it doesn't really matter - the code to set up sockets, and a read() that uses it are already in the program you'll start from.  buf  is a void* pointer to the data you want to write, or the place you want the read data to be put.  bufLen  is the number of bytes to send, or the size of the buf  for read (so the maximum number of bytes that should be read).

Both functions return the number of bytes moved (read or written).

For your client code, you are nearly exclusively concerned with read, as the clients don't say anything to the server. (The "Hi" in the figure above is implicit:  the server knows the client is there because it knows when a client connects to it.  No data is actually sent (as far as we're concerned).)  [Note: This is a slight lie, as hinted at later.  The lie is a detail, and irrelevant to what you have to do, though.]

You do not need to:

I'm not saying it is perforce wrong to do those things, just that I don't see any reason right now why you will be required to be able to do them to complete this assignment.

You will need to:

Multi-Threading, Synchronization, and Concurrency

Multi-threading and synchronization are intimately related.  Your goal is to build a program that has enough synchronization, but not too much.  Enough synchronization is what is required for the multi-threaded program to be correct; all race conditions must be addressed.  Too much synchronization is synchronization that needless restricts the amount of concurrency that can be realized.  This is especially important to performance on multiprocessors, but is relevant to uniprocessors as well.

An example of too much synchronization would be a single lock that all threads had to hold to do anything.  (This is roughly how Linux was originally ported to run on multiprocessors.  The latest version fixes this problem, though.)  Handling race conditions is trivial, because only one thread is really running at a time.

Because this assignment deals with displaying characters typed at human speeds, it will be hard to notice performance impacts of synchronization decisions. But, the structure of  the application is just like that of many, many other applications where these decisions could have a major effect, so pretend like this is one of those.  Try, for the purposes of the assignment, to have the "finest-grained" synchronization possible for a correct program; i.e., build the program towards the end of the spectrum that no thread is precluded from making progress unless absolutely necessary.  (Following this to the extreme might be hard.  If you're uncertain about choosing between two or more alternatives, write them up and send them to one of the staff.  (Note the "two or more" - don't just send "Is this okay?" because all we'll be able to say is "What else could you do?".)

One last thing:  Your application should not saturate the CPU of the machine you run on.  It's easy to write a thread that simply goes into a loop waiting for something ("busy waiting").  Such programs will run correctly, except perhaps for performance issues, because the scheduler will make sure that all threads get some allocation of CPU time, not just the thread in a loop.  Just like "too much synchronization," though, you should think of this as an incorrect solution.  This is particularly relevant to you in this assignment because: (a) you're starting with a single threaded version, and (b) in the single threaded version the code that checks for user keyboard input cannot block (because the entire program would hang if the user hadn't typed anything).  So, if you do the simplest possible thing when converting to multi-threading, you'll end up with a busy waiting thread.

Vague Recommended Approach

Unfortunately, figuring out what the race conditions are, and how to fix them, is the hard part of the assignment, and it won't operate correctly as a multi-threaded program until you do.

Despite that, my advice is to start by creating a thread to handle user input, and get that "working" without worrying about correctness - just see what it's like to create a thread, and work through those mechanics.  The screen output is likely to be a mess, at least under some conditions, but fixing that (as well as creating more threads) is the second step.


First of all, this assignment is a user-level program precisely because it makes debugging easier (than if we were to step immediately into dealing with multi-threading in the kernel).  So, use the available debugger, gdb.

Next, there are two special debugging aids built in to the software, one for displaying messages about what the client is doing, and one for the server.

Client Side Trace Messages

The client code is instrumented already with DEBUGPRINT(DEBUGFILE,...) and DEBUGFLUSH() calls.  The former has syntax exactly like fprintf(), and prints a message.  The latter is a "flush."  Normally, output is buffered inside the system, and not necessary immediately written to its final destination.  If you're trying to debug something that is crashing, this can be a problem, because the last thing you tried to write with DEBUGPRINT(DEBUGFILE,...) may or may not have been displayed before crashing, even though the DEBUGPRINT(DEBUGFILE,...) was executed.  DEBUGFLUSH() executes an fflush(), which pauses execution until the output has been written.  (So, is it clear why this is useful?)

The client side debugging info is not displayed on the screen, though, because the window you're using is already in use to display the chatters' messages.  Instead, it's written to a log file named DEBUGLOG.

You can view the trace as the file is being written using the Unix command "tail -f DEBUGLOG".

You can, of course, add new DEBUGPRINT() and DEBUGFLUSH() statements to the code as you modify it.

Server Side Trace Messages

The server also produces a trace of status messages.  But, it's running on another machine, so it can't just flash them up on your screen or write them to a file on your machine.

To see them, do the following:

  1. Find out what server your client has connected to by examining DEBUGLOG. 

  2. Now execute this command, telnet <servername> 2452, where <servername> is the server your client is connecting to.

  3. You will be prompted for a username.  Type it in and hit <cr>.  The username you should give is the username you're logged in as on the machine on which you're running the client.

  4. Server trace messages appear in the telnet window.

  5. Type ctrl-] and then "quit" to close the telnet window.

A couple more points:

Where to Keep Your Files / Compile

The storage required for this assignment is small, so keep your files in your instructional space (i.e., NOT in the un-backed up space in /scratch/yourname on greer/baugh.)

You might want to work (compile and debug) on one of the SPL machines, though, especially  if greer/baughm get busy.  This is totally plausible - we're not hacking the kernel right now, so just boot the stable version of Linux on those machines.  Copy your files from your instructional space to the local machine when you begin, and copy them back when you're done.  (scp -r will recursively copy directories and their contents.)

Finally, a makefile is included with both the client code (which you must fetch) and the server code (which you needn't ever go near).  Just say make.  (Okay, it's not much of a makefile, as it recompiles everything, but I included it because to link successfully you need to include a couple of libraries, and there's no reason for you to spend hours figuring that out.)

Where to Find the Software

The software is packaged in two tar files:

As stated over and over above, you don't need the server side code.

When you tar xvf chatMonitorClientSide.tar, it will expand into assign2/clientFiles/<a bunch of files>.  Similarly for the server side tar file.

What to Hand In

You should hand in a write-up of what you did, plus a printout of all files that you modified (significantly - use your judgement). 

Tell us in your write-up:

This is all due in section on 10/19/00.