HW6 Solutions


  1. 50 sect./track * 512 byte/sect = 25.6 Kb/track
  2. 2000 tracks/surf * 25.6Kb/track = 51.2 Mb/surface

    10 surf/disk * 51.2 Mb/surf = 512 Mb/disk

  3. 2000 cylinders
  4. 256 is not valid
  5. 512, 1024, 2048 are all valid

    51200 is not valid, it exceeds one track

  6. 1min/5400 rev * 60 secs/min = .011 sec/rev
  7. 25.6Kb/track * 1 track/.011s = 2.3 Mb/sec


  1. 1024 byte/block * 1 record/100byte = 10 records/block
  2. 100000records/file * 1 block/10 records = 10000 blocks/file
  3. 1 block/2 sector * 50 sector/track * 2000 tracks/surface = 50,000 blocks/surface, so we need less than 1 surface

  4. 10 surfaces/disk * 50000blocks/surface * 10 records/block = 5,000,000 records

5. 1 sec/2.3Mb * 10Mb = 4.4 sec

  1. 10,000blocks(1024 byte/block * 1s/2.3Mb + 10msec + .011sec/2) = 160 secs


  1. sequential
  2. random
  3. hashed

5.1 (only the changed index nodes are shown)

1. only the second leaf node (from the left) chages: [8*,9*,10*,]



¯ ¯

[3,8,,] [32,40,,]

¯ ¯

[1*,2*,,] [3*,5*,6*,]

This operation requires 5 reads and 5 writes.


  1. 50% if we use redistribution
  2. 100% (manytimes use 80% to give some room for inserts)
  3. if dataset size and distribution remain fairly static, overflow chains will not be a problem, and we may want to use ISAM for 2 reasons:
    1. the leaf pages are sorted (making scans easier)
    2. locking overhead is lower


  1. 1000 bytes/page / (40 + 10)bytes for <key,id> * 1page/node = 20 index entries per node.
  2. For bottom level, we need 20,000 records * 1 node/20records = 1000 leaf nodes.

    To point to all the leaf nodes, we need 1000 * 1node/20entries = 50 nodes.

    To point to the 50 next level nodes, we need 50/20 = 3 nodes.

    Finally, need a root node.

  3. So, we've got 4 levels with 1-3-50-1000 nodes on the 1st - 4th levels respectively.


  1. sorted
  2. hash
  3. B+ - clustered B+ index allows us to find pointers to the beginning and end records satisfying this condition. We just grab all in between.
  4. sorted


  1. M + M*N = 200 + 200*1000 = 200,200 Ios
  2. M + N*[M\(B-2)] = 200 + 1000*(200/50) = 4200
  3. 3*(M+N) = 3*1200 = 3600
  4. 3*(M+N) = 3*1200 = 3600