import java.util.*; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; /** Runs the test query set for mini-project 3 based on mini-project 2 code @author michael ratanapintha */ public class TestQueries { /** This "scale factor" controls how how many times each test query gets run -- the relationship is a linear proportion */ private static int scaleFactor = 10; private static String databaseName = "project3"; private static final String postgreSQLDriver = "org.postgresql.Driver"; private static final String postgreSQLUrlBase = "jdbc:postgresql:"; private static final String postgreSQLUser = "suciu"; private static final String postgreSQLPassword = "1"; private static Connection connection; // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Examine these queries: you need to tune the database accordingly // (and also see below) // // Queries over R private static final String R1_sql = "select count(*) from R where R.A = ?"; private static PreparedStatement R1_statement; private static final String R2_sql = "select count(*) from R where R.A = ? and R.B = ?"; private static PreparedStatement R2_statement; private static final String R3_sql = "select count(*) from R where R.A = ? and R.B > ? and R.B < ?"; private static PreparedStatement R3_statement; private static final String R4_sql = "select count(*) from R where R.C > ? and R.C < ?"; private static PreparedStatement R4_statement; // Updates over R private static final String Rinsert_sql = "insert into R(K,A,B,C,E) values (?,?,?,?,?)"; private static PreparedStatement Rinsert_statement; private static final String Rdelete_sql = "delete from R where K=?"; private static PreparedStatement Rdelete_statement; // // Queries over S, T private static final String ST_sql = "select count(*) from S, T where S.B = T.K and S.C = ? and T.E = ?"; private static PreparedStatement ST_statement; // Qeries over U private static final String UAeq0Select_sql = "select count(*) from U where U.A = 0 and U.B > ?"; // A=0 private static PreparedStatement UAeq0Select_statement; private static final String UAgt0Select_sql = "select count(*) from U where U.A = 1+abs(?) and U.B > ?"; // A!=0 private static PreparedStatement UAgt0Select_statement; // More queries/updates over U private static final String UAeq0Insert_sql = "insert into U(K,A,B) values (?, 0, ?)"; // A=0 private static PreparedStatement UAeq0Insert_statement; private static final String UAgt0Insert_sql = "insert into U(K,A,B) values (?, 1+abs(?), ?)"; // A!=0 private static PreparedStatement UAgt0Insert_statement; private static final String UAgt0Delete_sql = "delete from U where A = 1+abs(?)"; private static PreparedStatement UAgt0Delete_statement; // Helper queries: ignore them private static final String Rmaxkey_sql = "select max(K) from R"; private static PreparedStatement Rmaxkey_statement; private static final String Umaxkey_sql = "select max(K) from U"; private static PreparedStatement Umaxkey_statement; // the random number generator private static Random rndGen = new Random(); public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception { // get the database name and scale factor if (args.length > 2) { System.err.println ("Usage: java TestQueries [database] [scale factor]"); System.exit(1); } if (args.length >= 1) { databaseName = args[0]; } if (args.length == 2) { try { scaleFactor = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println ("Unable to parse scale factor given as: \"" + args[1] + "\""); System.exit(2); } } System.out.println ("Running the test query workload in database " + databaseName); openConnection(); prepareStatements(); initParams(); System.out.println (); long readRTime = testReadR(); System.out.println ("The SELECT queries on relation R took " + readRTime + " ms."); long STTime = testST(); System.out.println ("The SELECT queries on relations S and T took " + STTime + " ms."); long readUTime = testReadU(); System.out.println ("The SELECT queries on relation U took " + readUTime + " ms."); long writeRTime = testWriteR(); System.out.println ("The INSERT and DELETE queries on relation R took " + writeRTime + " ms."); long writeUTime = testWriteU(); System.out.println ("The INSERT and DELETE queries on relation U took " + writeUTime + " ms."); closeConnection(); long totalTime = readRTime + STTime + readUTime + writeRTime + writeUTime; System.out.println (); System.out.println ("Test query set completed."); System.out.println ("Total time: " + totalTime + " ms."); } public static void openConnection() throws Exception { Class.forName(postgreSQLDriver).newInstance(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(postgreSQLUrlBase + databaseName, // connection postgreSQLUser, // user postgreSQLPassword); // password } public static void closeConnection() throws Exception { connection.close(); } public static void prepareStatements() throws Exception { R1_statement = connection.prepareStatement(R1_sql); R2_statement = connection.prepareStatement(R2_sql); R3_statement = connection.prepareStatement(R3_sql); R4_statement = connection.prepareStatement(R4_sql); Rinsert_statement = connection.prepareStatement(Rinsert_sql); Rdelete_statement = connection.prepareStatement(Rdelete_sql); ST_statement = connection.prepareStatement(ST_sql); UAeq0Select_statement = connection.prepareStatement(UAeq0Select_sql); UAeq0Insert_statement = connection.prepareStatement(UAeq0Insert_sql); UAgt0Select_statement = connection.prepareStatement(UAgt0Select_sql); UAgt0Insert_statement = connection.prepareStatement(UAgt0Insert_sql); UAgt0Delete_statement = connection.prepareStatement(UAgt0Delete_sql); Rmaxkey_statement = connection.prepareStatement(Rmaxkey_sql); Umaxkey_statement = connection.prepareStatement(Umaxkey_sql); } /** Initialize statement parameters which (as yet) will not change */ public static void initParams () throws Exception { UAeq0Insert_statement.setInt(1, -300); UAeq0Insert_statement.setInt(2, -400); UAgt0Insert_statement.setInt(1, -400); UAgt0Insert_statement.setInt(2, 500); UAgt0Insert_statement.setInt(3, 700); UAgt0Delete_statement.setInt(1, 1000); } public static void executeQueryWithRandomParameters ( PreparedStatement s, int np ) throws Exception { s.clearParameters(); for (int i=1; i<=np; i++) s.setInt(i, rndGen.nextInt()); // ignore the resultsets by closing them immediately s.executeQuery().close(); } // --------------------------------------------------- // Here is where the queries in the workload are executed // When you have competing choices for your tunings, examine the relative frequency of these queries // (don't spend too much time reading these frequences, most are really meaningless) // // SELECT queries on R public static long testReadR () throws Exception { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 1; i <= 20 * scaleFactor; i++) { executeQueryWithRandomParameters(R1_statement, 1); executeQueryWithRandomParameters(R2_statement, 2); executeQueryWithRandomParameters(R3_statement, 3); } for (int i = 1; i <= 100 * scaleFactor; i++) { executeQueryWithRandomParameters(R4_statement, 2); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (endTime - startTime); } // SELECT queries on S, T public static long testST () throws Exception { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 1; i <= 400 * scaleFactor; i++) { executeQueryWithRandomParameters(ST_statement, 2); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (endTime - startTime); } // SELECT queries on U public static long testReadU () throws Exception { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // The queries that set A=0 or filter by A=0 execute 10 times more often. // And, each time they execute, they take longer to run (why is that? see the // connection generator program). for (int i = 1; i <= 300 * scaleFactor; i++) { executeQueryWithRandomParameters(UAeq0Select_statement, 1); } for (int i = 1; i <= 10 * scaleFactor; i++) { executeQueryWithRandomParameters(UAgt0Select_statement, 2); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (endTime - startTime); } // INSERT/DELET queries over R public static long testWriteR () throws Exception { int maxKey = maxKeyR(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 1; i <= 2000 * scaleFactor; i++) { // insert a random tuple; however, make sure key is out of range Rinsert_statement.clearParameters(); Rinsert_statement.setInt(1, maxKey + i); Rinsert_statement.setInt(2, rndGen.nextInt()); Rinsert_statement.setInt(3, rndGen.nextInt()); Rinsert_statement.setInt(4, rndGen.nextInt()); Rinsert_statement.setInt(5, rndGen.nextInt()); Rinsert_statement.executeUpdate(); // delete a random tuple Rdelete_statement.clearParameters(); Rdelete_statement.setInt(1, i * maxKey / (2000 * scaleFactor)); try { Rdelete_statement.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { }; } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (endTime - startTime); } public static int maxKeyR () throws Exception { ResultSet maxkeyTbl = Rmaxkey_statement.executeQuery(); int maxKey = 0; if ( { maxKey = maxkeyTbl.getInt(1); } else { System.err.println("Something is wrong: Max key value for R could not be read"); System.exit(1); } maxkeyTbl.close(); return (maxKey); } // INSERT/DELETE queries over U public static long testWriteU () throws Exception { int maxKey; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // The queries that set A=0 or filter by A=0 are executed 10 times more often. // And, each time they execute, they take longer to run (why is that? see the // connection generator program). maxKey = maxKeyU(); for (int i = 1; i <= 1000 * scaleFactor; i++) { UAeq0Insert_statement.setInt(1, maxKey + i); UAeq0Insert_statement.setInt(2, rndGen.nextInt()); UAeq0Insert_statement.executeUpdate(); } maxKey = maxKeyU(); for (int i = 1; i <= 100 * scaleFactor; i++) { UAgt0Insert_statement.setInt(1, maxKey + i); UAgt0Insert_statement.executeUpdate(); UAgt0Delete_statement.executeUpdate(); } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (endTime - startTime); } public static int maxKeyU () throws Exception { ResultSet maxkeyTbl = Umaxkey_statement.executeQuery(); int maxKey = 0; if ( { maxKey = maxkeyTbl.getInt(1); } else { System.err.println("Something is wrong: Max key value for U could not be read"); System.exit(1); } maxkeyTbl.close(); return (maxKey); } }