Phase 2 help

Your Group Project Space:

Like phase 1, each group gets a network folder on iisqlsrv. Your project spaces are named \\iisqlsrv\phase2\<your_team_name> (see the groups page)

Cross-database queries:

Some of the tasks in this phase may require you to do a cross-database query. In order to do so you need to grant your teamates access to your database. To do so, you can either follow instructions on GRANT, found by searching for "cross-database permissions" in the help of query analyzer (too long to be copied and pasted here), or simply use Enterprise Manager, go to "Users" under your database and add your teamates.

Then when you're writing your queries, you can refer to your teamate's tables as <your_teamate's_database>.<owner_of_table(usually dbo)>.<your_teamate's_table_name>. e.g...
Select a.invoiceID
From victort_billing.dbo.Invoices AS a, bhushan_billing.dbo.Invoice AS b
Where a.invoiceID = b.InvoiceID

Storing information across web forms

For example, when a customer logs onto an online shopping webpage, the system stores that this customer has logged in and displays corresponding information... In this phase you can store such information using "Session" (there's an example on this in phase 1 help). To store information into a Session, use Session.add(<String key>, <whatever you're storing, most likely string>), e.g. Session.add("current user", IDField.Text); to retrieve information from a Session, do Session[<String key>].